I have the following problem with the new (and very welcome :-) ) roll-up dates feature.
I have
* roll-up set for "dates" and "others" in view settings
* a hierarchy with epic (parent) -> story (child) issues
* estimates only set at the child stories
* no target dates set manually
If I perform auto-schedule the roll-up dates (target start date, target end date) on the epic level are overwritten by values calculated by auto-schedule.
Now, lets say some time passes without work beeing done on the child stories and I perform another auto-schedule, the target dates of the child stories are correctly moved as they have estimates. However, the target date on the epic, is not moved because the epic has no estimate of its own and after the first auto-schedule it no longer has a roll-up date but one set by auto-schedule.
I think the correct behaviour should be: Portfolio does not overwrite roll-up values on auto-schedule. Instead it should re-calculate the roll-up value depending on the newly scheduled child issues
Or am I missing something to get this to work? :-)
I am using portfolio 3.23.0