How do I add an initiative that was deleted back into a timeline

Melissa Makovec
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September 11, 2024

The initiative was accidently deleted after I clicked on "Review Changes" and approved all changes. How do I add it back to my plan. 

 Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 2.49.53 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-09-11 at 2.50.51 PM.png

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Hans Polder
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September 13, 2024

@Melissa Makovec ,

If the issue in fact still exists in Jira and is not really 'deleted' from there as well, it likely was 'excluded' or 'removed' from your Plan itself.

If the issue cannot be found in Jira itself, then it's unrecoverable. I'm assuming it's not, as you've pasted the first screenshot showing a specific issue :)

Otherwise, go to 'Plan Settings' in your Plan and try the 'Removed issues' or 'Exclusion Rules' tabs to find your removed issues there.

Screenshot 2024-09-13 160314.png


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