How can I include done stories in a portfolio plan

Stephan Wegscheider
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February 20, 2018

I have created a new portfolio plan. Unfortunately user stories which are already in status Done are not included in the plan. Thus any progress on epic level is incorrect.

Is there a way to include completed stories in a portfolio plan?

2 answers

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Cameron Eldridge
March 4, 2018

Your stories are (likely) included in your plan, you just need to make them visible.

This is assuming your issue source is a board or filter based on something simple like:

project = ABC ORDER BY Rank ASC


Here are a few of things to consider:

  1. Verify the completed stories are in a GREEN (Done) workflow status category if you're estimating with story points.
  2. Ensure your Status filter shows both open and completed issues.
  3. By default, Portfolio only shows issues completed within the last 30 days. Set your Completion Date filter to a date that is able to capture the oldest completion date of stories in your plan. 2000-01-01 is obviously a safe bet.

See for more information.

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Marie F. Kent
February 27, 2018

Is your deployment cloud or server?

Stephan Wegscheider
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
February 27, 2018

It's on cloud.

Marie F. Kent
February 28, 2018

The current cloud instance of Portfolio will only include open issues. The inclusion of closed issues has been logged as a suggestion in Atlassian's Jira:

Hope this helps!

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