Hide 'Canceled' issues from Jira plan

Alvaro Landin September 11, 2023

Good afternoon,

I need to know how to hide any kind of issue marked as 'Cancelled' from a Jira plan. I still want to see doe example tasks or stories marked as 'Done' inside an ongoing epic but I will like to hide does issues marked as 'Cancelled'.

Thanks in advance!

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Carla Ann Rowland
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September 11, 2023

It depends on how your plan is pulling the data from your Jira project. If it is a filter then have the criteria status not in (canceled, cancelled) from within the filter. You can also edit the filter on your plan board filter  plan filter snapshot.png


 for statuses--- click on status and removed checkmark from canceled and leave the check mark for the other Done category statuses.

Alvaro Landin September 11, 2023


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