Creating Portfolio Plan pulls in epics or stories that were unchecked

lcowgill September 25, 2017

Hello again,

I have noticed when I am creating plans and carefully selecting my epics or stories to be included, some of the ones I have *not* selected will still come into my plan (I make it a point to *deselect* epics without stories /stories without epics).

I know I can exclude things from the plan once it's already made, but I am concerned these epics and stories will be deleted from the boards/projects they originated from if I do so (some epics or stories are in progress still). Am I misunderstanding the notification?

Any input would be super helpful.


Many Thanks,

Lisa C.

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Allard van Helbergen
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 25, 2017

Hi @lcowgill,

A plan is really a view on top of your Jira issues.

So, when you create a plan (and potentially deselect some issues), new issues from your issue source will still show up until you exclude them from your plan. 

Excluding issues from your plan only removes them from your plan, and doesn't delete them in Jira. 

I hope that helps.


lcowgill September 26, 2017

yes! that helps quite a bit. Thank you!

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