Capacity and Planning: Tasks Estimated for week (h) 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 10 = 32h for week, why?

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January 16, 2018

Hi everyone!

Pretty sure that it is a really simple question and I'm still evaluating Portfolio mainly for release planning and capacity overview, I do struggle with one weird behaviour I get:

  • 5 tasks planned for 1 developer for 1 week:
  • 4 task for 8h (FT)
  • 1 task for 10h

When calculating Portfolio shows me a 32h capacity used for the defined week and it moved that 10h task for the next week.

Question: why I can't have him work on, let's say, Friday for 8h and resume on Monday next week with the leftover of 2h?

Many thanks for help!

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Atlassian Team
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January 25, 2018

Hi Mirek,

There is a Suggestion that may help understand this behavior at Allow portfolio to book stories into sprints if any capacity is available.

The logic is the Full capacity need to be available and the velocity is 40h for the user and the 8+8+8+8+10=42 so one full issue pushed, but a way to get more out of this is the priority arrangement as covered in Scheduling behavior:

The scheduling algorithm currently optimizes the scheduling of highest priority items first. Even if there might be a scenario where the team could fit in a bit more capacity into a release if it started with a lower priority item,  Portfolio for Jira  will not suggest this in the schedule. Items that have the highest priority should also be started first. Also, you might want to prioritize items with the highest risk first to tackle uncertainty early in the process.

See if this works for you:


Break the 10 into two issues as an 8 and a 2 hour and prioritize the 8 hour portion above the 2 hour portion. The 2 hour portion will be moved and the 8 will fill capacity.


Example: 8 hours scheduled on the main issue and 2 hours scheduled to a second issue set for Follow up on issue 1

Take a look at JPOSERVER-1867 and if you believe that fits this scenario please vote on it and add your use case to the comments. Let me know if that helps. 



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