Bug or Feature? Team member in more than one team doubles resource count

Barnaby Alderson May 14, 2015

We are currently evaluating the portfolio and have come across an issue where we assign a member to more than one team (they may have a required skill) and the effective member 'resource' count doubles automatically.

If say 2 epics are scheduled for the same release with the 2 separate teams, it will appear as if that member has double hours available per week without changing the availability in team (manual override) and the schedule is not accurate.

We know you can override it manually, but when scheduling across a larger number of projects and different 'multi-membership' people it becomes too error prone. To work around the problem we currently just use one team and assign to epics individually (not ideal). The schedule will always assign the user to the highest priority epic and won't overstate their resource count, etc. 

So ideally when a member is in multiple teams it would work the same way and avoid the need to micro-manage the availability in a team to solve. 

Is this a known problem or is some setting available to prevent the double up issue?

2 answers

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Barnaby Alderson May 17, 2015

Thanks Martin, good to see I'm not the first person to notice. Issue voted on and looking forward to a fix.

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Martin Suntinger
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 17, 2015

Hi Barnaby, this is a known topic but has been a conscious design decision in a first step given the number of different usecases and variations we've seen related to this, thus we've started out with giving manual control over the availability in a team. There is an open suggestion ticket related to this: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JPO-114 - please make sure to vote for it and comment on it if it does not cover everything.  

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