All the Stories/Tasks not appearing under Epic on Portfolio Plan.

peter decosta February 15, 2018

All the Stories/Tasks not appearing under Epic on Portfolio Plan.

I have created a portfolio plan. Desired epics are visible in the plan.

But the issue is, for example if an Epic has 10 items(Tasks, Bugs) with different statuses. Then all 10 items are NOT appearing under that epic on Portfolio Plan.

2 answers

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Kevin Board
July 15, 2020

I am seeing this on a Jira Roadmaps plan also.  Some stories/tasks appear under the epic but if the epic has 10 stories, only 6 of them will show up.  For multiple epics as well.  At first I thought that maybe the completed are not showing but doesn't seem to be the case.

Is there a limit?  What is the logic or is this a bug?

Gretchen Swecker July 20, 2020

I'm having the same issue and curious to know why and if there's a workaround.

0 votes
Jeff Curry
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 16, 2018

Sounds like you are running into

Adnan Ali January 5, 2022

I am having exact same issue and the JIRA link that you provided refers to closed issues only. 

In my case there is no clear pattern. I can see in the portfolio view stories/sub-tasks with various statuses showing up and at the same time stories/sub-tasks with various statuses not showing up in the portfolio view. 

I have checked all fields like fix-version, labels etc.. but there is no missing value that is causing this problem. 

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