Hello everyone!
The year 2021 is ending, and I wanted to share my experience and emotion after having been able to organize my first two events as a Trello Leader in Alicante (Spain).
In October this year I started my journey as ACE Leader and specifically as Trello Leader in my city, Alicante (Spain).
It makes me especially illusion because Trello has only given me great joys both in my personal life, as it has helped me to organize myself much better, and in my work life. So I thank Atlassian and Erica Moss for this opportunity and I will try to enjoy it, have fun and help the Atlassian and Trello community.
The theme of both events has been about organizing Christmas with Trello and I have done them in two different places in Alicante: coworking Hubitat in Mutxamel, where I have a workspace,and coworking Genion Lab in Petrer, I have great colleagues who collaborated and helped me to make this event a great experience.
My goal with this kind of events is to make Trello known to those who don't know it. And to those who already know it, to show Trello functionalities, in a more entertaining way than a more formal course.
In this event, for example, we became for a moment the characters of Friends, because what would have happened if Monica had had Trello in her possession? She would have been happy, but she would have driven her colleagues crazy, don't you think?
Both events were face to face, and for the first events, I am happy with the response. The attendees learned new things, and had a good time, which is the important thing.
I was honored that the creators of CRMBle, Antonio Panea and Cristina Coloma, participated in the events. The collaboration between members of the Community, I see it very interesting and can multiply the help and interest to participate in the events.
In 2022, I may combine face-to-face events with online events, or even hybrid events. I think this last option can be very interesting because you have the best of both.
In addition, the detail of providing a catering after the event, makes possible the interrelation between attendees and speakers, helps to comment on opinions, learn about experiences of Trello uses and make new contacts. (at least in Spain, we love to chat while we eat ;-)
I was recently asked this question about the Trello tool: " If my clients or the rest of my team don't use Trello, why would I use it? "
The truth is that if everyone in a team does not participate in the use of the tool, no matter what it is, it is useless.
In these cases, that's why we are the professionals who accompany you on this path, to help the collaboration and participation of all team members.
Finally, one of my conclusions from the feedback received after these events is that people want to use this type of tool and that Trello is still not very well known, and those who know it do not take advantage of it enough to find it useful.
But that's what Trello Leaders and the Atlassian Community are for, right? 😉
See you at the next event!
Happy New Year 2022 to everyone!
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