Happy New Year 2023, yearly stats and new motto from Visakhapatnam Atlassian chapter

Dear chapter members,
Season greetingsšŸ’. As we enter year 2023, lets surface all confusions, sorrows and bring in the happiness, joy and confidence to our dreams and living.
With every one of your's support, Visakhapatnam Atlassian chapter secured 7th position in India in terms of "attendance" to the events.
Heart felt thank youšŸ™Œ and gratitudešŸ¤ .
I have recently moved out of Visakhapatnam as part of "return to office" program. Have in said,  I continue to host virtual events and would personally invite every member to actively join and take advantage from these Free events.
Year in stats:
Total events hosted : 17
Total Attendees : 482
Total Check-ins : 186 
New chapter members: 144

Motto for year 2023:

  • News letter emailed with key information, Atlassian announcements, University course(s) discounts and competitions.
  • Launch new speakers.
  • Start online team building and Fun activities for the members.


My Thank You Card_edited.jpg


Thank you @Tamanna Godara for valuable suggestions, timely feedback and inputs.


Subramanyam Gunda,
Author| Scrum Foundations Educator| 
Atlassian Community Leader| Atlympics 2021 medals winner for India



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