Annual Meeting 2023 of the Córdoba Community - Argentina: Intelligent Project Management

Hello everyone!

I share with you the beautiful experience that we were able to share together with 120 people in this third annual meeting of the Córdoba User Community.


Held on November 2, 2023, in the main auditorium of the National Technological University - Córdoba Regional Faculty:



We designed the objective of the meeting thinking about obtaining tools to elevate Jira Software project management to new levels of efficiency. We shared an illustrative journey, where we learned how to enhance projects in Jira with innovative AI tools for the creation of design documents and user stories. We explore how constantly evolving technology has the potential to lighten the workload, leaving more time to exercise creativity and improve AI-generated proposals. We gained fundamental insights on how to get the most benefit from these AI assistants in managing your software projects with Confluence and Jira.

We were able to share special moments of good electronic music:




This is the list of topics we will address:

"Project automation to improve productivity"

Increase the productivity of your project team, eliminate repetitive tasks, automatically send communications, alerts, create automatic structures, templates, etc.

"Team dynamics with social impact"

How to make your collaborators be proactive with their social environment, we are IT but we are human!

"Individual Responsibility"

We will delve into the power of our behaviors and the ability to make conscious decisions to generate a significant impact on our environment.

"Boosting Productivity in Jira and Confluence with Artificial Intelligence: From ChatGPT to Project Copilot."

The potential of AI in your projects!

"New tools, new culture"

How to manage the adoption of new tools and the change in your team's culture.



Special guest

The special participation of Jean Maggi who taught us that in the face of life's adversities "Everything is possible"!!!! Thank you so much!!!


Thanks you @Fabian Lopez {Appfire} @Edgardo Bianco @Andrés Sabatini 



Live Youtube:


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Marcos Milanesio
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