Hello, I am using a Confluence page in presenter mode, specifically the Jump to Section Functionality (that displays the focus section and the other parts are greyed out). It doesn't work, whenever I...
Hello, I have a question regarding the presenter mode in Confluence. Is it possible to hide certain sections that you don't want to show in the presenter mode? Similar to the option to hide...
Hello Community https://support.atlassian.com/confluence-cloud/docs/present-your-page-with-presenter-mode/ Great new feature, but somehow I can't find the corresponding template. Can anyone help? ...
Hi community, I received an email about the new "Presenter mode" feature, but it won't work (I don't seem to have the bottom). How could I fix this, it would be really useful for me!
Presenter mode is working like a charm, when it's available. But for some reason it's not available for all documents in the same space, and I can't figure out if there's something in some ...
When will Presenter mode (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-Cloud-articles/Presenter-Mode-for-Confluence-is-here/ba-p/2018523) be available for Server/Datacenter? My understanding l...
I'm attempting to mimic one of my company's PowerPoint theme with Presenter. Our footer has two logos on the left, a block of text in the center, and another logo on the right. I only see a way to ad...
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