Hello Everyone,
I want to keep the theme from this week's Miscellaneous Monday going. If you haven't seen that post yet by @Andy Gladstone, go check it out and come back.
Growing up, as much as I watched many cartoons on Saturday morning, it was always complemented by a wide variety of kids cereal, many of which I saw on commercials while watching cartoons!
My question for you this week is what were some of your favorite cereal as a kid!
For myself it would be these four:
So how about yourself? Which cereal were you begging your parents to get based on the commercials you saw?
Have a great rest of the week everyone!
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Thanks for the welcome. I ended up posting under a work account set up for cloud access. lol
Favourite cereal was anything with a toy inside it. But Sugar Puffs were the greatest
HAHA! Ohh I agree with you there about the toys. Though it was always a challenge to get to the toy before my younger sister ;)
Ohhh, pleasant, goooooood memories!
My favorite cereal was from Mickey and Froot Loops, hahaha!
I couldn't live without it, buddy! 😃🥳😅😁
Have a lovely day!!!
I never had the Mickey Mouse one! But now I really want to try it!
Wow @Jimmy Seddon
You have no idea. As the name was, it was a real MAGIC Crunch with honey! 🤤🤤 🤗🤗
But I don't know if it still exists. 🤓 I would like to taste it again!
Kellogg's is always a great idea too! 🥳🥳
This has been a staple for my mom as long as I can remember!
First a big welcome to all!
Well definitely not still my favorite thankfully!
I never could get into any of the "turn your milk chocolate" cereals.
For me it was .....
@Jimmy Seddon thanks for the shout out! @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro also should get credit.
I know this may be blasphemous, but I could never have cereal and milk together. Just the thought of soggy cereal is enough to make me gag.
For some reason, even though my parents always had sweets in the house, we only ever had healthy cereals. My go-to was:
Fun Fact - that OU symbol at the bottom (which looks like a Charlie Brown baseball) means it's kosher.
Fun Cereal Story - when we were about to get married I asked my future wife what she would like me to make sure is in the apartment as I had moved in a week prior to the wedding and was stocking it up. Her immediate response COCOA PUFFS! After being raised in a super-healthy family (no sugar products in the house) she was cuckoo for cocoa puffs! When we had our first breakfast together as a married couple she poured a big bowl, dumped in milk (yuck!) and savored that first bite. It's been almost 23 years and can still hear that first crunch!
Hehehe, thank you, @Andy Gladstone
OMG, Cheerios is amazing! I'll need to buy one this weekend, LOL. You rock!
And wow, I loved your Fun Cereal Story! Kudos to your wife! Congrats!! 🙏🏽🥳
Honey = means "Mel" in Portuguese.
Cheers, buddies!
I'm not into healthy cereals, but Honey Nut Cherrios with a diabetic coma amount of sugar, is ummmmmm good.
Honey Nut Cheerios was a staple for me as well, but it wasn't as "fun"!
Ha! Thanks for this. It was, and is, Lucky Charms all the way! We sooo rarely got them though. I even remember a TMNT version that came with an awesome little plastic bowl.
Aaaah nostalgia.
Nice! I saw Lucky Charms in the grocery store the other day and I couldn't believe how many "new" marshmallows there were.
Kelloggs Cracklin' Oat Bran. My siblings and I used to refer to it as the 'Dog Food cereal' because it looked like dog food kibble. But it was good!
Ha! My siblings and I called em dog treats too! They were so good though.
Fruity Pebbles & Cocoa Pebbles
Cinnamon Toast Crunch
I love Cinnamon!!
Nice to know about this one!
Great choices!
@Jimmy Seddon Amazing post, taking me back to the amazing memories of my childhood when I was into having cereal in the breakfast.
Though I was not much fond of having cereal (and I am still not) since I never feel full or satisfied after having them, but I still have some favorites as mentioned below, which I started trying/eating mainly because of the commercials:
Haven't had in forever, but Honey Bunches of Oats is bomb.
Same here! I remember them being awesome!
I love so many it is hard to choose! If I had to though I would say the Halloween cereals! I looked forward to them coming out every year!
I didn't realize how large the collection was!
Radioactive porridge was about the only breakfast cereal I got a taste for as a kid.
@Nic Brough -Adaptavist- I had to Google that and I fear I am about to go down a Rabbit Hole!
Stick to the Lyons and Weetabix references:
I'd have to go with Frosted Flakes, but they can't be soggy - the goal is to add the cereal and then pour enough milk to cover the bottom and maybe a tiny bit more.
And then eat them fast enough before they DO go soggy ;)
This is nice post @Jimmy Seddon .
I never had cereals for breakfast as a child. My mum would make us a sandwich or cook some rice with milk. Sometimes with honey or sugar. Despite the variety of cereals available nowadays, I prefer porridge as cereals seems to leave me unsatisfied. However, if I had to choose...my vote would go to classics, Corn Flakes because you can add your favourite toppings and make it different each time. Yumm!!
What you did get from breakfast sounds delicious!
It's funny, I started thinking about this and I can remember loads and loads of cartoons but no commercials. Maybe we didn't have as many or maybe I just blocked them out. 🤔
We didn't eat cereals much though. Oatmeal/porridge every morning. I think it was probably when dad wasn't home when we'd get to eat some "chicken food" 😂 Maybe some Cheerios, Corn Flakes, basic stuff.
Now that I have my own family we don't really eat cereals either. I am a constant disappointment to my sons friends when they stay over 😂 Though they usually come around when I offer them peanut butter and jelly toast instead of cereal. 😋
I can tell you one thing, a lot of you would not have liked being around me eating cereal because I would usually put lots of milk and then wait patiently until it was soggy. I hate crunchy food and just thinking about Cocoa Puffs makes my mouth bleed 😂
Actually, come to think of it, I like a lot of things soggy; cereal, toast, fries... 🤔
😂 I like soggy cereal too. I'm glad I'm not the only one!