Hello Everyone and welcome to another wonderful Wednesday!
At times it can be difficult to stay motivated with the various things that you are doing. I know I can struggle with that personally. My question for you all this week is what are some of the things you do to either stay motivated, or to recharge.
Personally, I'm extremely motivated by knowing that others benefit from the things that I pour my energy into, so as long as I feel what I'm doing is helpful that is usually motivation enough. However, at times I need a change of pace of a bit to become inspired again.
Alright it's your turn, tell me all about how you stay motived in the comments below!
Have a great rest of the week!
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I agree with you @Jimmy Seddon - I am extremely energized & motivated when I know the results will benefit others. An occasional 'nice job' or some form of recognition for the effort goes a long way, too.
To recharge, I spend time with my puppy! Whether it's playing tug of war with his chew toys or rocking on the porch swing watching birds, bunnies, and squirrels, it always puts my heart and mind to rest until it's time to get to work again.
He's a cutie!
Cute and gorgeous!
Thank you @Summer Hogan & @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro He can be as bad as he is cute at times (LOL), but he definitely gives me the exercise my body needs and the disconnect my mind needs to recharge and get motivated.
Hahahaha @Sue Wilson! I feel you! That's amazing!
Look, my dog is two years old - always prepared for a new adventure, in a cutie mood, or not so good sometimes. LOL!
Oh! What a cutie! I can't believe any trouble comes from that face?! LOL! Ours is only 4 months old and with us just over a month. Many adventures, not so goods, lovin' and cuddles to go!! I'm looking forward to them all! <3
Hahahaha, a lot of trobles @Sue Wilson !! LOL!
Oh my Gosh, only four-month-old! ❤️
Lovin' and cuddles to come for sure! 😍😍🐶🐶
OMG! Those are adorable dogs!
I'm much the same as you. When I'm flagging, I think about how I'm going to feel if someone is going to say "thank you" when I deliver.
I also find "refreshment time" helps - taking a little time to do nothing work-related. That can be as simple as taking a nap with the cat, or watching something light on the idiot box, while the cat takes a nap on my lap.
Good advice Nic! I should think about slowing down some times. I think I get so worked up about everything that I "have to" do, and everything I "want to" do, that taking a moment to breathe may put things into perspective.
Among of all of us juggling so many activities in our lives and works. @Nic Brough -Adaptavist- your advise putting everything into perspective. I am so honored to be a part of community leader family and continue my learning from all of the community members...
This week I have been combating negative thinking and damaging inner monologue by using an App call "Ommetje" (it's Dutch, but available in English) to force myself to walk at least once a day, as well as started a Gratitude List for all the elements of my life that I am grateful for.
Both are working greatly to help me be more energised & motivated.
Great to hear Andy! I know that I have struggled with that over critical inner monologue myself. I also hear support from good friends can help too ;)
If only I had two Community buddies who really cared about me and we had a Slack for daily conversation and as well as a weekly Friday call to hang out virtually and then we also called ourselves the Ragtags... 😉
That would be cool 😎
Sounds like fun! Count me in :P
Counted!! 😍🤩
Well, not much new I can add to the discussion as the same types of things already mentioned help spur on my motivation. And as Fun Man Andy said, trying to always be grateful. Grateful for the things the Lord has blessed me with, the skills he has given me to help others, and knowing that there are truly grateful and appreciative folks on the other end of my answers.
And not the least of which, but I get to interact with such a great group of professionals everyday such as yourselves. I can visit with a good chunk of the world in a single day - and everyday. :-)
@John Funk I like that!! I never thought of engaging with this community as visiting the world every day?! That is something I have now added to my grateful list!
Thanks for sharing John. You make an excellent point. I think I forget at times that the community is global and the people I'm regularly chatting with on this platform don't necessarily live anywhere near me.
I agree with all of the sentiments above, one of the best things about being a Jira Admin is that you get to improve other people's experience of work!
Sometimes if your hitting a wall, all it takes is to step away from something for a while and let your mind digest in it's own time. I also find getting out for a run or taking 10 minutes to focus on some other interest (for me playing guitar or piano) can help to reset myself. Happy Wednesday everyone.
Well said Thomas! I can see how playing some music would help.
for me it is Atlassian community😊
I agree with all the above sentiments and ideas as well! I try to do a good job at literally everything I do. If I am not going into it thinking that way then I think "what is the point?"
We have a lot of built in breaks where I work. We end all meetings 5-10 minutes early to give time for a quick stretch break or get some water. We also have Focus Time, which occurs for 5 hours every Wednesday morning (I'm using Focus Time now to write this post) where we cannot have meetings, bother people on chat, or take phone calls. We are supposed to use this meetingless time to focus on work and what is important to us (training, learning, etc.). These things my company does for it's employees keeps me motivated at work.
Outside of work, I do lots of things to stay motivated such as hike, paint, legos, puzzles, watch enlightening shows and documentaries, play with my cat, collect and listen to vinyl's, hang with my nieces and nephews and other family, etc.
@Summer Hogan while we try, but don't always succeed, in ending our meetings early, we also have focus time Tuesdays & Thursdays for 2 hours each day. It's refreshing to pick up a short training, read through the Community posts, etc., without interruption. They also provide several 'Recharge Fridays' throughout the summer so we can take advantage of a long weekend without holidays or PTO to just recharge. It truly is these 'extras' our employers provide that keep us motivated and eager to succeed for ourselves and for them.
Yes @Sue Wilson I totally agree about the "extras" as we also get early release (2-3 hours early) before every holiday and I try my best to give this to my contractors at least twice a year as well! It's the little things that count!
I couldn't agree with your first paragraph more! Also, I love all your methods to stay motivated!
I agree with all comments here too! And as @Summer Hogan
I have a lot of breaks to keep my body and mind on track. And I also practice Yoga and ride my Bike Indoor every morning. At the end of my day, I play with our dog, do some extra exercises at the gym, and spend time with my family.
Before bed, I usually read a chapter of a book or watch a movie. It's such an essential refresh body and mind every day for me. Be grateful; It also keeps me motivated.
We must fuel our hearts and soul in the best way possible with good feelings. Right!
Cheers to all Buddies! ❤️😃🤗🤩🤗🙏🏽
You go @Patrícia Fortunato Montenegro - that's a lot of stuff you have in your routine to keep you on track! I Love your positive message!
I love your message, too @Summer Hogan!
Thank you so much! I try to share a positive message; for all of us to feel the blessing through it. ❤️😃🙏🏽🤗
I have a very similar bedtime routine. My wife always asks why I'm watching "garbage" on my phone before bed, and I realize now it's about forcing my brain to stop thinking and just rest.
Hi Buddy! And it makes sense, @Jimmy Seddon
Sometimes, my husband does the same! We all need to rest when the time comes up!
I wish you a wonderful day! 😃🤗🙏🏽
I am motivated when I implement process improvements and others are realize I not only listen to them, but implement their suggestions.