Happy Wednesday Everyone!
With all the excitement of Team '23 and everyone talking all about it, I thought I'd break for a week and give you something else to think/talk about.
I grew up watching Power Rangers and I'm still a big fan to this day (yes they still have new seasons and episodes coming out). My son has also become a fan of them as well.
Today, Netflix has released - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always! The are bringing back a number of the members of the original cast in a new adventure many years after they hung up their suits.
I have asked my son to wait until I get back home, because I would like to watch it with him for the first time.
Which brings me to this week's question: Are there things that you really like to experience with other people? Or are you good just to be able to have the experience by yourself?
Personally, I'm not huge into large crowds (which is a tad ironic that I'm in Vegas for Team '23). But, there's something about the collective experience of being with others when you see something funny or amazing that makes it more enjoyable for me.
So, how about you? Let me know in the comments below.
Have a great rest of the week!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
181 accepted answers