Happy Wednesday Everyone!
"Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don’t Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It." - Ferris Bueller
This is a great quote from an even better movie. If you have never seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off I can't recommend it enough!
Yesterday, my wife and I took this advice. We got the kids off to daycare/school then we had a leisurely start to the morning. We went out for lunch and took the dog out for an afternoon walk before picking the kids up again.
We had no agenda, we weren't running around furiously trying to get as many things accomplished as we could before having to pick up the kids, we just took things at a slower pace.
I'm usually terrible for moving at 100 MPH even on days off, trying to do much more than I really have the capacity to complete. This was one of the BEST recharge days I have had in a very long time.
So, for this week, I don't have a question for you. Just a recommendation to take a random day off and do nothing, or next to nothing.
Do you have a book, TV show or movie that everyone has been telling you to see/read? Do that! The important thing is to try and relax.
Have a great rest of the week everyone!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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