It's Thursday!
I am super stoked about this post; to see your responses 💻 🕹️🎮🖥️
Can you see this beaut below?
Jepsí Pepsi! That was my very first computer. Commodore 64k. Don't remember when I got it - probably fall of 1982. My dad bought a small color TV as a monitor. I purchased a magazine at the bookstore and coded up a whole game from it! (i.e. copy-paste the old fashion way) Loaded the game but got an error. Fixed it but then another error and another error. Yeah, needless to say, that game never loaded :) But I did give it a fair try...
In the beginning, I had a cassette player to load the games but I eventually ended up with a disk drive and typewriter/printer setup. Man, those were the dayz :) Some fun history.
What about you - what was your first computer or game console?
Let’s make it a great Thursday!
Kristján Geir Mathiesen
Enterprise Atlassian Administrator
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