It's Thursday!
My birthday happened this week and that is always a reminder to me that the summer is almost over. I always have big aspirations for everything that I want and plan to do each summer, and by the time my birthday rolls around I’ve usually only managed a fraction of those aspirations.
However, it has become a tradition (outside of the lockdown years) for us to make a trip to the Toronto Islands. We take the train into Toronto and get on a ferry to the islands. Before we had kids we would take our bikes and turn it into a 20 km bike trip around the entire set of three islands with a picnic lunch in the middle. Now that we have kids, we make our way to the amusement park on the center island where the kids enjoy some rides and games!
I’d love to hear about some of the things that you “NEED“ to do before the summer ends.
Let’s make it a great Thursday!
Jimmy Seddon
Sr R&D Tools Administrator
Arctic Wolf
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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