Like any other software system, Trello has various IDs for its boards, cards, lists, checklists, etc.
While these IDs are essential for Trello Developers you might as a non-developer think: big deal, who cares, why do I need to know about IDs in Trello?... Well you don't, but if you do, you actually get access to some information that are important to you: When various stuff on your Trello Card was created!
That's right... The ID of an item actually has the creation date embedded in a nerdy way, which can be handy if you would like to know say, when a specific List on your board was created.
Let's have an example (warning: this is nerdy):
Say, you know a list has ID: 60506e04783a5f40a9cf68ce (More later how you get that ID in the first place)
The first 8 digits of this ID are actually the Date, but not in a normal Human Format but instead hexadecimal = 60506e04... Yes, nerdy, but an online like can turn it into a "normal" decimal number and we get the value: 1615883780... ??!??
That does not look like a Date, and yet it is... This is actually the number of seconds since the 1st of January 1970; I warned you; developers are nerdy :-)
Fear not: another online converter: can make this into a human date, and our final result: 16th of March 2021 @ 8:36:20 AM (UTC)
Forget it: Too much work!, and how do I even get the ID in the first place?
So above is the manual way to explain to you what going on (which is fascinating if you are a nerd like me)... But you can avoid all the work with; as always; a PowerUp:
The Developer ID Helper PowerUp and give you the IDs and some of the simple creation dates in the Process.
or if you have an ID that the PowerUp do not reveal the Date for you can skip all the above calculations with this handy TrelloID > Date Converter
Rasmus Wulff Jensen
Trello Developer Fan
51 accepted answers