The abilty to turn this off globally for all boards in a workspace (or for me personally on all boards) would be welcome. I don't think as it currently works it should be on by default, if the text jumping around can be fixed then that would be much better. But I'd still likely want to be able to disable everywhere in one go
Love that you guys have taken this feedback on board and adapted the feature based on it. I can't think of many tools out there the size of Trello where this still happens.
Will you update on here when the changes roll out?
Keep up the great work, change always comes with challenges but you guys are doing great stuff at the moment 😊
Hello, not liking this feature as and our company will not use it, as we have our own process for completing cards and/or cards are used for information which do not have due dates. This should be an option that folks can turn on, both on the front and inside the cards, and we shouldn't have to go through each board individually.
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February 10, 2025 edited
Hi @Dreamsuite Mike - Thanks! Yes I will update as changes come out. So far, we've released the change for removing the strikethru on text and are continuing to work thru the rest of the feedback. The docs have also been updated.
Turning off the check marks in my board menu disables check marks for cards that are not marked complete, but still causes completed cards to show a check mark. I would like to completely disable the check marks as I find it visually cluttered to have the check mark on the side as well as with the due date on the bottom. I don't need both, and I prefer the latter as it shows the start and end date.
Is there a way to completely disable this feature?
Agree with @Margaret Hannasch after using this for the last few days. My workflow now runs - try to check the date box complete. Fail. Remember to turn the board settings on to 'show check'. Mark as complete. SMH at the extra green check mark above the green box. Turn the board settings back to conceal check. Repeat...
This is absolutely horrendous, thankfully this can be turned off. How did this get to release and turned on by default?
It's really visually distracting and what use is this on a Kanban board, where I have different lists to show status?
EDIT: I've turned this off and the radio button is still appearing in the card itself, masquerading as a checkbox. I just know team members are going to start clicking this button and this will generate confusion.
Does this really have to be turned off on a board by board basis as well?
Another thing seems to be broken around due dates which may be related - the time of day for the due date now defaults to the current time when the date is being set and cannot be changed. Tested on a card where the meeting had been rearranged, and a new card. This is annoying for multiple deadlines with a single day or any pretence of maintaining a diary.
This needed to be announced through In App Pop-ups, and Highlight Wizards or something... such a massive, relatively "unannounced" change - pone that was defo not needed or desired - fk'd my whole afternoon and had me stressed.
Also, who the hell from the users even asked for this...? I would say less than 0.2% at a guess.
Also also, it's still tick boxes on both Android and iOS. FYI.
Overall, really NOT happy, but I believe long term we can make it work, and we are DEFinitely not going board by board to switch it off.
At least I am not freaking out about Due Dates anymore today.
@Alex - you have my respect for this announcement and being so diligent in responding to everything we are ranting about. Drinks on me @ T25A if you're there.
Unfortunately this just smacks of a Product Manager trying to make an eye-catching change.
Meanwhile there is no keyboard shortcut to jump to the top comment, and pressing "c" at the wrong time will accidentally archive cards, something that people have begged to be changed for years.
This update is a UX DISASTER. I really cannot fathom how this feature passed QA and UX testing. I'm stunned this isn't being more universally disliked.
When using Trello, my time is taken up on 3 distinct activities, in order of time spent:
1. Reading and browsing cards.
2. Moving cards around.
3. Creating new cards.
This update seriously hinders my number one activity in Trello: reading and browsing cards.
Why? Because naturally, as you navigate around a large board, skim-reading cards, you are necessarily moving your mouse pointer around, hovering columns so you can scroll them. This new update means that often the text you are trying to read is now sliding around to reveal the new 'mark complete' button. This is extremely irritating because the number one thing I'm doing while in Trello is reading text and you just made the text dance around the screen to reveal a button I will never use.
I mark cards as done by moving them to a Done column, which is the whole point of having cards that you can move, right? The cards are movable so you can change their status by simply moving them. Their status is their position, it's a beautiful piece of design.
If you really must provide a 'mark complete' button for the suits, why not have it in the context menu along with add labels and all that other stuff?
How often do tasks get marked complete compared to simply looking at tasks?
I would bet money that reading cards happens 100x more often than marking them complete, but in this update the UI gives priority to the least useful thing.
EDIT: Just noticed there's already an option to turn this off... LOL
Well, leaving my rant here for posterity anyway.
(I still think nobody will want this feature and it should be off by default, or preferably not even available)
I feel like Trello has had so little in the way of new features since like 2020 and since last year, a flurry of changes has sent some users into a tailspin.
I do get it. For me, if Trello the Trello of 2024 stayed exactly the same indefinitely, I would be happy. It is a simple, solid and stable platform that is distinctly different to anything else there. It works incredibly well and I can manipulate it to do almost anything.
But....I am also game for new features and love seeing the new features evolve. Sometimes they are instant wins (coloured and collapsable lists), sometimes they are growers (this one for example).
This feature falls in the category of a grower for me, I did like it from the off because for too long the checkbox on the due date was just too small and fiddly but I didn't like the strikethrough of the text. Well, they fixed that. Now, it is definitely growing more on me each day.
You will find me being often critical of Atlassian but I will defend the Trello team because they are amazing.
I know for a fact that they put a lot of effort in behind the scenes to try and make changes that will benefit what is a very broad audience of ~1 million users. They craft the changes with care with the intention to ensure that the essence of Trello remains while trying to give changes that keeps the product fresh. Most importantly they are trying to make it easier for users to Get Sh!t Done. Its a fine balance.
I'll leave you with these 2 nuggets:
"We want change until change happens"
"You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time"
I, for one, love seeing the updates and investment in Trello because my biggest fear is that Atlassian decides some day to close Trello 😢
I, also, didn't love the strikethrough, but I'm super pleased to see that it was removed so quickly upon our feedback and the remainder of the new update is growing on me each day as well.
I really appreciate how open the Trello team is to our suggestions and feedback. It gives me such a sense of ownership with this platform and a huge respect for the developers. 💖
Agree with @Kelly Gabel and @Dreamsuite Mike 's sentiments. Breaks my heart when the team tries to make some changes that have been asked for before (they don't make this stuff up), and then we can't handle the change. It's like label gate all over again. It takes some iteration to get it right, and I don't envy the job of PMs who have to make literally millions of users happy, while also working with the constraints they have.
That being said, sharing feedback in a productive manner is always valuable - they've already iterated to get rid of the strikethrough text based on feedback provided here, so I'm thankful they're listening and doing what they can!
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I love that the Trello devs are pushing out new updates. Unlike Mike, I found the dry spells with no updates to be a bummer.
I just wish their processes had good QA, good feedback loops, or whatever, to catch all the low hanging fruit issues. Like strikeouts and dancing text. This one is definitely a grower. It just sucks that I'll have to have it disabled until it grows a bit more. At which point, it might as well not exist? And a bunch of regular Trello users get disrupted in the meantime.
Hells, I'm still using extensions to override/tweak the colour overhaul (bashing my head against an unfamiliar language), waiting for it to "grow up" in to a good feature. So much immediate good feedback given on that update, it boggles the mind that the dev team just weren't able to incorporate that feedback early enough in to their dev cycle? Or apply it once they'd released it, if they wanted to use the general user as product testers. Something is deeply wrong with how the dev cycle seems to be set up.
That said, I love that they've been coming out with updates. That automation is getting added to to match those updates. That Trello isn't dead in the water. I just wish the process wasn't so inherently bumpy..
I think it was a rather rushed implementation and not tested enough, but it seems that things are improving. Some people will not welcome these changes, but I think they have potential. These are some of the changes I have detected.
This is the old trigger related to the due date. ⬇
There is no need to update existing rules with the old trigger. They still work perfectly. The only difference is that you have to check the circle (instead of the old mark attached to the date) for the action to be performed.
Unchecked (not completed)⬇
Checked (completed) ⬇
My old rule is still working and sending the completed card to another list.⬇
I find it very satisfying being able to check cards, instead of moving them to another list, but I really wish the automation was working as announced. I created a board button to "move each card with a complete due date in list Today to list Done", but it doesn't do anything. I created another one to "move each card in list Today with an incomplete due date to list This Week", but it also doesn't do anything. My plan was to schedule these action to happen every night, but unfortunately, the actions don't work. I hope this gets fixed :(