Always coming in with the expert tips, @Christine P. Dela Rosa . Thank you!
Since we're a client-facing software shop, we actually run 2 project kickoffs - one is an internal kickoff, for our team to get on the same page, learn what our roles will be for a specific project, and sketch out the project milestones. If there's nuance to the client relationship, this lets our teams discuss it and plan for it in private.
That lets Sales, PM, and Engineers present a unified front and support one another in the client kickoff, where we start to fill in any missing details, requirements, get specific materials requested formally, and plan how our team will communicate with client teams over the life of the project. It also gives a really nice moment for the sales team to introduce the project manager and leads, as a "warm handoff."
So smart, @Anne Saunders . Thank you for sharing!
@Kristen Roth thanks for this publish. I have been whiteboarding a project plan that will require a lot of cross departmental collaboration and was having trouble crystalizing the key points, measures and expected outcomes of the plan. Since reading this article I have honed in on the Project Plan Template to organize my thoughts and the Project Kickoff Template to define the communication and collaboration needed to successfully kick off the project.
Glad to hear this helped, @Andy Gladstone ! That project plan template is so handy. Best of luck to you on the project!
Yes, and...remember to include the team formation things to jump start effectiveness / collaboration...and design the team t-shirt. There are lots of good ideas for this work in Liftoff: Launching Agile Teams & Projects by Diana Larsen and Ainsley Nies.
The kickoff meeting is one of the most important parts of starting a project. However, the experience on many projects tells me that the fundamental thing for a team is the ability to adapt to the various scope changes that the client requires throughout the execution of the project. The agile, in this sense, gives several ideas on how to best manage the evolution of a project.
Really need to drill the importance of the kick off meeting into my team's minds.
I'm at a new org. They just finished their first sprint cycles since I arrived. I assure none of this is going on. I'll be taking this thanks.
Great post, I am new to my organization but I can see where this is going to help significantly with some of my upcoming work.
Even though I've never done this particular playbook, at my previous company we used to do kickoff meetings but they were not really standardized and expectations were never really drawn out. This is going to be a great template to get started.
Great post! I love project kickoff meetings. I mainly work on maintaining an application now, but in my previous life I lead many projects. Another thing I add to my kickoffs is the Definition of Done!
In a very short time I have become a big fan of Atlas. Of the product, but maybe even more of the work agreements and proces it embodies.
One of the building blocks is the project directory, where you should answer 5 deceivingly simple questions about your project:
Answering these questions really creates a shared understanding for everyone. And writing it down makes sure you can always get back to it.
A project kickoff should in my opinion answer these exact same questions. But getting together at the start of a project can and should also act as an energising event to gather the team and spark some enthusiasm amongst the team. It is also a great occasion for people to raise questions they might have and sync on work agreements.
Great post and enjoyed reading perspective of different people here!!. Thanks for initiating the discussion @Kristen Roth
Agreed... Project Kickoff are important and every one should attend
Yes I agree, kickoff meetings are important and anyone from kickoff meeting can understand the flow of the project without any douts at any time through out the project.
Totally agreed with you
Yes the kickoff is the key success factor for any project, i personally prefer to make some alignments with major stakeholders before the kickoff to identify a common ground where we can capitalize on during the kickoff with a positive room for discussion and final agreement.
Really need to drill the importance of the kick off meeting into my team's minds.
Can't agree more, the kick-off meeting is really important.
@Kristen Roth , I agree with this approach wholeheartedly. If we don't take the time up-front, we pay for it during, and even after the project.
I have stressed this on every project that I am a part of, and have enforced it on each one I've managed.
Totally agree. Kick-off meeting is definitely essential for a successful project.
Well said and self-explanatory.
Kick-off meeting is a must. I also include assumptions, in scope, and out of scope details to set expectations.
Project Kick-Offs are the best way to start off on the right foot as a project team.
Kick-off meeting is a must
Kick-off meeting is essential!
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” ― Benjamin Franklin
I'd be lost without project kickoff meetings!
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