Teams today are distributed around the world. And, with the onset of remote work, people are finding it more difficult to see how their work connects to the larger goals of their organization. In fact, only 32% of employees are actually engaged. That’s down 4% over the last two years!
Creating a shared understanding - that feeling where everyone on the team understands their mission, purpose, and what needs to get done to deliver on goals— is critical to building high-performing, effective teams.
In order to improve a team’s shared understanding, leaders must first provide them an understanding of the problem they are trying to solve, what success looks like, and who will benefit from it. At Atlassian, we call this Strategic Guidance!
The Atlassian Work Futurists have curated a set of Strategic Guidance plays designed to help leaders create a compelling strategy and guide their team towards achieving their goals. Those plays are:
Each play contains expert facilitation trips, tricks, and examples to make your play a success.
However, there’s a lot we can share and learn from each other. That’s the purpose of this post. We’ve created a series of videos to help you understand the Strategic Guidance plays and how to facilitate them. Take a moment to watch the videos (about 30 minutes). Then, return to this post and comment below to discuss which Strategic Guidance plays you intend to run with your team.
Here’s the prompt: Name at least one of the Strategic Guidance plays you intend to run with your team. Explain why and how.
If you're enrolled in the Atlassian University course on How to Build Strategic Guidance...once you've shared your comment below, return to your Atlassian University browser tab to complete the course.
If you're not enrolled in the full course, but would like to be, click here to enroll for free.
Thanks all! Looking forward to reading your thoughts and ideas.
Becky Mueller