A well-curated Confluence site starts with an approach to governance. As I stated yesterday, “Curating a well-organized Confluence site requires thoughtful planning, consistent maintenance, and strategic use of built-in features.” Governance describes how decisions are made about curating your Confluence site. In subsequent posts, I will discuss a range of options and decisions that a governance body may want to make to keep your Confluence site humming along. Today, I want to focus on the importance of having a process for making those decisions.
There are several approaches to governance. You and your organization will need to choose the approach that best meets your needs and your culture. The two most prevalent approaches are to have a designated curator(s) and to establish a Center of Excellence. Less successful is to allow individual space administrators carte blanche to manage their own spaces, which I will discuss at the end of this post.
In either case, whether curation is invested in a single person, a team of curators, or a Center of Excellence, the Curator is responsible for setting the standards for Confluence use, responding to requests for changes or additions to the standards, communicating the standards, auditing compliance to standards, providing training and guidance to Confluence users and creating and collecting metrics that will lead to continuous improvement of the Confluence site.
One of the mistakes that I see customers making with respect to Confluence is to allow too much local autonomy to individual space admins. If you are new to Confluence, then it is useful to know that a Confluence site is comprised of Spaces and that each Space holds pages of various types. Each space has one or more individuals who are designated as space administrators. With a space, the administrator can restrict or provide access to the space, they can create and promote space-specific templates, they can use advanced features such as CSS styles to influence the look-and-feel of the Confluence space. Generally, space admins control many of the features of a space.
The problem that arises when space admins are given autonomy to customize their space as suits the specific needs of their team or space users is that the overall Confluence site becomes a series of disconnected spaces, each appearing to exist on its own without relating to the other spaces across the site. This negates one of the great powers of Confluence, which is to allow bringing information together from across the organization, regardless of which team may have created it. For example, it is possible to create a page the collects all of the how-to articles that have been created in the many different knowledge domains. If these pages all use different templates or have different labels, then the task of creating this global how-to directory becomes impossible.
In the articles that follow, I will describe different techniques and tips that illustrate best-practices in curating your Confluence site. While these can be used by individual space admins and even individual users, I encourage you to start by defining and adopting a site-wide governance approach. Not only will this streamline the decision-making process, it will demonstrate your organization’s commitment to a quality Confluence site.
Derek Fields (RightStar)
Atlassian Practice Manager
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