hi there
in one transition i am changing value of field assignee. for example i am setting assigne=tester1. Atfer login into JIRA of the user (tester1), he cant see the last edited issue in list "asiggned to me". Is there a permission responsible for this?
How to refresh section "assigned to me" in defualt dashboard?
thank you
so i solved this my way: i added a gadget Filter Results to dashboard, with set up filter(assignee =
current user) --- so i removed "assigned to me" with "filter results"
Try this: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.intenso.jira.change-reporter
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hmm, but i need to copy value from another custom field (User Picker) to assignee. i am doing this via post function Copy Value From Field to Field , and it works, it copies the value, but i cant see the changed isuue in dasboard section "assigned to me" ... :(
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Hi, I will add copy from User Picker field - good idea.
But your root problem is lack of indexing changed issues - your solutions will work but I don't think it is good idea - issues have still unupdated status in Issue Navigator.
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in every transition, i checked, that every change in assignment is done above reindexing post script, and in dashboard i removed "assigned to me" and added "filter results" with filter (assignee=current user)
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Hi Peter,
What value is display under assigne when you get into issue view ?
How do you change assigne ? If in post-function then try to reindex changed issue.
IssueIndexManager indexManager = ComponentAccessor.getIssueIndexManager(); try { indexManager.reIndex(issue); } catch (IndexException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
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Does your post-function to change assigne is under or above default post script ?
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when i am in issue view, i see correct new value. how can i reindex changed issue? in transition i have the default post script "Re-index an issue to keep indexes in sync with the database. "
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my post function to change assignee is above the default post script ....
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so you have to change it :)
BTW, take a look at https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/61097/how-to-change-reporter-to-related-issue-s-reporter?page=1#83492
There was similar problem but with reporter field. I've written plugin that solves this problem. Raise an issue at https://bitbucket.org/intenso/change-reporter/issues to add assigne option if you wish do that by my plugin.
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i need to have post function changing assignee under the post function reindexing?
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the result is the same .... i have post function changing assignee above/under the post scrip reindexing and no change, still cant see the issue in dashboard-assigned on me ... :(
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Sorry, it should be above default function - that is ok in your case. The easiest way for you is raise an issue as I suggest earlier and wait. I could do that tomorrow.
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if you have time and will, please help me tomorrow :)
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