Currently using SonarQube 5.6.7. Feature branches are compared with 'master' to give incremental issues. When we upgrade to SonarQube 7.9 LTS Community Edition (which does not include branch support) each branch will appear in SonarQube as a separate project. Our builds will run the analysis using project keys that consist of groupId:artifactId:branch-name as we are doing today with SonarQube 5.6.7.
Question: will the sonar4stash plugin be able to compare the two sonarqube projects, the one for the master branch, and the one for the feature branch?
Yes, it will. The resulting project key in SQ is the same, no matter if you would use
-Dsonar.branch=develop -Dsonar.projectKey=myproject
so for the sonar4stash app nothing changes in this regard.
Does that answer your question?
Michael (app vendor)
Yes, this does answer the question. I will open a new question if I encounter difficulties.
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