I've been setting up a bunch of Jira automations to better connect Jira Product Discovery, Jira Service Management and Jira Software.
A quick overview to help set some context.
We use Jira Service Management to collect raw feedback. For us, this is internal users only. Internal teams submit on behalf of clients, end users and partners, but those end users, clients and patterns don't get access to Jira Service Management (at least not yet for strategic reasons).
We use Jira Product Discovery for most aspects of discovery and prioritization, and then Jira Software for delivery/execution.
Here are the automations I set up to remove some of the admin burden of the process:
(Some of these could be combined, however, I prefer to have automations be separate because it’s easier to setup, troubleshoot and edit - similar to shipping small stories vs. large stories).
If there are others you’d like to see, or others that you use, let me know! Always looking to leverage automations!
@Tanguy Crusson - Is there an easy way to share automations if anyone wants to use a specific one?
I'm happy to share these if anyone would find them useful.
I'm keen to see what automations you have put in place between JPD and JIRA Software.
@Tanguy Crusson we have JIRA Software and going to add JPD. We would love to change the status/update fields based on the Delivery progress field.
E.g. if the "Delivery status" field is 100% Done, then automatically update the Epic state/update a particular Epic field (Select field - we have readmap stages in that Select field).
Is there any way how we can to this now or this kind of automation is not supported?
@Jaroslav Polacek Check out the FAQ(it's one of the pinned posts in the community): there's a section in there about "automation" that explains how to do that
I'm very interested in the automations you have made. I don't know if they are usefull to us, but at the least the could be inspiring :)
Yes please!
So much suspense! I'd love to see what you came up with 🙂
I am certainly interested in hearing what you have done
Hey Everyone - I've added the automations I've set up so far in the original post! Let me know if you'd like to use one of them and I can send over the details :)
This is awesome @brent_johnson
Thanks for taking the time to share these. I think the Automation Template Library would be the ideal home for these rules. That way, people can simply share a url and immediately see the rule (and play around with automation if unfamiliar). Here is an example.
It will take a little time to get to this but I will reach out and update the Automation Library/playground with these rules so we can share openly with the community. Thanks again for taking the time to share :)
@brent_johnson How exactly are you accomplishing this?
Here you go @Tim Sanford
The key aspect is that we have the Jira Product Discovery item as a linked item on the Epic.