So I have a page that was copied from a page with basic text, a div box, some code blocks, and a few PlantUML diagrams (like, 49 to be exact). The PlantUML diagrams were then removed from the page view but still remained attached to the page.
Since then, anyone who edits and either saves or cancels the save, the page does something weird. The 49 PlantUML attachments get re-autogenerated and attached to the page. Whoever was on that page is listed as the user who added this new set of attachments.
Weirder still, I have a user who shows up in the attachments as a user who made a change, but he was never even logged into our Confluence instance when these changes were occurring (can confirm).
Has anyone seen something like this? This page now has over 500 attachments that are copies of the original 49, and I don't know how to stop it from growing more!