Happy Tuesday Everyone!
While I was at Summit this year, I had the opportunity to try some Atlassian University Training classes on the Expo floor. They had two different ones they ran though the event, and they were about 20 minutes or so in length. It was a great way to expand on some of my Jira knowledge and gave me something I hoped to be able to bring back to you all at our of our meetings. Thinking that one of these might be a great topic and time amount to happen at an evening event.
It also gave me the opportunity to have a conversation with Amanda, who is part of the Atlassian University team, about my plan to bring these classes back to you all and she wanted to see if we could expand on this idea. After all of my travels this month, I was able to connect with her last week, and there has been much exciting discussion over on the Atlassian side, and they really want to involve us in this idea of Training to be presented at the AUGs! How cool is that?!
To get it all started though, we need to look at what you all think would be helpful and useful.
Here are some questions to think about and give me some feedback on:
What Topics and Features would you like to see training on?
Are there areas that are challenging to you that training would be helpful to alleviate?
Are there Products that you would like to see training in?
How long do you think a session should be?
20 minutes? - a Quick, one shot, here's how to do this specific thing. (this was the type offered at Summit)
30-45 minutes?
1 Hour?
We're going to be collecting feedback from you guys until Mid-Oct, so I'll be bringing this up at our Oct 9th meeting as well, but I'd like to get the conversation documented here on this thread, so it's easy for us to refer back to.
Oh... an Upvote on that idea! I'd love to see training wrapped around new functionality too.
Oh, on this topic.... I discovered linkedin learning has a few series on Jira, Jira Service Desk and Confluence. I've added those to my playlist to review as well to see how good they are - but, if you have access to linkedin learning, by all means take a look.
What a phenomenal idea. Thanks for getting this started, Kim!
I would like to see a combo. For example, weekly bite-sized tips that Gregory mentioned, as well as 1-2 hour-long in-depth sessions where we can deep dive into a problem or question. It's hard to pinpoint "what" I want to know since Atlassian's capabilities are quite broad, but selfishly I'd like to focus on Jira and Confluence as that's what I use now. Some specific-ish ideas:
I will keep adding if I think of more things :)
This is great feedback, @Anja Brkljacic! I will pass this on to the Atlassian University folks. Thanks so much for adding to the discussion!
I think this is a great idea! I'm not sure on how we should format these sessions, but I'm sure anything will work and be useful to the group. Especially those preparing for certs!
Sorry I am late to respond. Want to say this is a terrific idea! We can try these ideas and then pivot if it doesn't work for our location.
Some things I would like to learn:
-Learning about the Confluence macros. There is so many & I don’t know most of them
-How Confluence & JIRA can work together
-JIRA functionality (Settings)
-How to better filter to create reports in JIRA
-What about 5 minutes or less quiz to see what we know & then dive into the lesson
-Would like to also see an interactive training - learn & then do
I think a 20 minute bit size session is good but if others like the interactive idea, I would like it to be longer like an hour
Thanks @antricia tran! I really appreciate your input on this topic. I am getting all of this gathered up to share with the Atlassian University group. I hope to have some plans to share with you all in the near future.
Absolutely love this idea! Both the quiz so what we cover is catered to what we need to learn next, and the interactive piece-at least selfishly because I learn best that way :)
A little late to vote, but I think it's a great idea too!
Honestly, its never too late to throw in some feedback on this topic, even if we have already started with other ideas, I am always happy to hear what people think would work.