Hey I don't know where to put it, but I've been getting a lot of emails from Atlassian Groups for days from groups I don't know, I've never entered and I also can't enter.
I even think I shouldn't be able to see the content if I'm not part of the groups. I think you have a real security problem here.
@Marc Minten _EVS_ sorry about this! This should be fixed for you. If you are still having issues, please let me know!
But can we also know how our account get used in a group we not member of, we don't know, we do not have access to ???
Quite worrying from a security and privacy point of view !
@Marc Minten _EVS_ A small group of community users was selected to participate in the Atlassian Community Kudos pilot and as part of that, you were added to a private group for pilot participants.
Unfortunately, by default, notifications were turned on for posts in that group. As you saw, this led to messages that probably felt confusing and spammy being sent out to you.
We deleted this group completely to stop the spam emails, and instead created a new group that is opt-in only. (You can see the link to it on your kudos dashboard by clicking Kudos at the top right of your screen.)
Going forward, we will not add members to any of our groups again without explicit opt-in.
Let me know if you have any more questions about this, again I'n very sorry!
@Community Manager @Monique vdB @Darline
Not sure if this is something you guys need to see?
@Liam Green thanks so much for the ping.
For me as well. Receiving mail from group I never subscribed to.
Please check for the notification setup here and see if there are any options needs to be turned off based on your preference.
This group or topic does not appear in my notifiaction-settings. I can't turn it off and when I click on the topic in the email I get "Message not found". I now also get emails from people complaining about it in the topic. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The same, looks like we're forced to participate in that community group 😏
From the other hand, I deleted messaged several days in my mailbox and now it automatically goes to Junk. Will see how it will work further 💁🏼♂️
@Yevgen Lasman yes, as mentioned above by being selected for the pilot we did force you to participate in the group. This was definitely a mistake, and the group is opt-in now, and you can turn off your notifications as well. I hope this helps.
Please stop notify :)
So What kind of Catch22 is this?
I get SPAMMED without asking for it!
All links are "deleted"
All complaints about SPAMMING are deleted.
And to be able to complain about getting SPAMMED I have to join the group that is spamming - and by doing so I consent to get SPAMMED?!?!
@Zaphnet the group was replaced with an opt-in group to stop the notifications hitting your inbox. I'm sorry the complaint messages are no longer available as it was the best and fastest way to solve the problem! But we are still listening right here if you have more feedback to provide.
So I think I have solved it now, besides my private account I also have a professional Atlassian account and could unfollow this community.
But it doesn't explain why I follow a community and get emails from it, which I don't know and never asked for. 😉
@Christoph for added context, you were part of a very limited number of community members allowed in the Atlassian Kudos pilot and that came along with membership in the group. That's why you got the emails in the first place. This should be fixed now; again, sorry about any frustration or confusion!
@Christoph @Yevgen Lasman @Zaphnet @Gonchik Tsymzhitov @Bibek Behera thanks for this.
In response to your feedback about unwanted notifications, we've removed the group completely and replaced it with an opt-in only group. The new group is here for anyone who would like to request access. You will no longer get notifications unless you join the new group.
Thank you again for the feedback and I apologize for the inconvenience and frustration this caused you!
Thank you. Requested access to the new group 🤗
Thank you! :)
@Monique vdB Is this group open to anyone to join?
@Liam Green unfortunately not at this time, we have a limited number of seats in the pilot. (However as a new Community Leader, you will be automatically added. 😉)
I'm getting emails too - and my mailbox is full up. Please take me out of the group I'm not a member of. I have no way to remove myself. :(
@Tanya C you should not be getting emails anymore as you are not in the new group! So sorry to fill up your mailbox.
I am kudos tester
today, group access is blocked:
yesterday, I could post there.
also, I got points today
Did this group finally get deleted?
Since the official group for Kudos feedback doesn't appear to be open anymore, I'm going to put this here. I feel like this Challenge is not promoting work/life balance. (As I make a post on the weekend in order to earn it.) 🤣
Hi, community!
Anyone else having issues giving kudos lately? It seems when I search for specific people by name I often get "no results" in the search.