What has happened to images/attachements in Questions for Confluence

Deleted user May 9, 2018

Last year we were prototyping cloud hosted Confluence+Questions but had to park it.

I am now picking up the prototype again and in our instance there now seems to be no option to attach images (or anything else) to a question, even though they are present in older questions in the prototype from last year.

If users cannot post screenshots or examples in questions then they will be of limited use to us.

Old question:


New question editor - seems only to be able to take a URL?:




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Atlassian Team
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June 27, 2018

Hi Charles, 

 You'll be pleased to know that the inability to include images in Confluence Questions has been resolved via CONFCLOUD-59601. Please try again and see if it works for you. 

Depending on when you were prototyping, the following changes were made to Questions for Confluence last year. 

 * Functionality update and moving to our new cloud infrastructure

For a better view on differences you may experience please see Recent changes to Questions for Confluence 

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