New Jira event type not showing in calendar

January 28, 2023

I created a new issue type and set the calendar to show its start and end date as a duration. I created an new issue and it doesn't show on the linked Confluence calendar.

I change the issuetype of that ticket to a type that is already shows on the calendar and it shows on the calendar correctly.

I change it back to the new issuetype and it disappears. 

Not sure what it could be...I'd appreciate any suggestions.


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Ami Chitwood
February 1, 2023

Hi @Mechee (I'm a new Confluence user) - I ran into issues with Jira events and Confluence calendar due to user permissions. I used this page to identify the issue with permissions. 

February 23, 2023

Thanks for your suggestion however I don't believe this is the issue. One reason I say that is because when I change the JQL in the calendar to show a different issuetype they dates show just fine. By the way I'm using date range from 2 custom fields (Start date, End date).  Basically, this is what I've determined: 

  1. If I change the JQL to use a different project but the same new issuetype it shows just fine.
  2. If I change the JQL to use a different issuetype in the same project it also shows just fine.
  1. I created an issue of type Visit in project HR.
    • The JQL for the calendar is "project=HR AND issuetype=Visit" and the date selection is Date Range with Start: Start date End: End date set in Confluence calendar. Event doesn't show.
  2. I move the issue in Jira to project Test with same Visit issuetype.
    • The JQL for the calendar is "project=TEST AND issuetype=Visit" and the date selection is Date Range with Start: Start date End: End date set in Confluence calendar. Event shows.

 The projects use the same permission scheme. The Project links are set with the proper Project<>Space settings. 

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