Periodic report of recent activity

Jonah Anastos
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May 15, 2024

Hello, I work at a firm who uses Jira for our Pipeline management. Each Jira task added to our pipeline represents a government contract we are pursuing or have landed. We want to draft a periodic report (easy to update and maintain) of the sales & marketing activities that we are doing: responses to RFIs, RFPs, customer meetings/demos, workshops, client/partner intros, etc. Lots of these would be captured in our Pipeline, likely in new Jira items or in status changes or comments/updates on existing items. Can anyone think about a template or mechanism to most easily capture these activities in a way that we can share them? It can be a Jira report or something else that we can export or share in email, a document, or a PPT.


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Carlos Garcia Navarro
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May 15, 2024

Hi @Jonah Anastos ,

Welcome to the Community! I'm not sure I have the whole picture, but it seems to me that you could have a workflow that represents all the different steps in the lifecycle of the government contract and each Jira issue (e.g. story) would correspond to a government contract. Then you can have a filter that pulls all the Jiras showing the fields that provide information (e.g. 'summary', 'assignee', 'updated', 'created', 'status', and maybe some custom fields like 'last update'). You can then create subscriptions for the people who'd like to get the report (more information on filters and subscriptions here) .

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