Having 2 seperate workflows based on the same issue

james_maida May 15, 2024

We have a Client Portal that we simplified the workflows (open/in progress/on-hold/pending/resolved) for 4 Primay Requests/Issues. We also created a second and seperate Internal Portal to be used by our internal support team.

Depending on the 4 types of requests from client, the team determines that internally we need more resolution so we convert each of the 4 requests and assign 1 of 8 possible internal issues with more detailed workflows. We select the internal issue by having a customer drop down field.

We need to have the client only see the issue status tracking associated with the 4 simple workflows while our team needs to access and use the 8 more detailed workflows. I was trying to use the custom field to allow internal selection of the 8 workflows. 

I installed JSU Automation Suite for Jira Workflows but are unable to do what I need to do. Any help to come up with a solution is greatly appreciated.

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Mikael Sandberg
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May 15, 2024

Hi @james_maida,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

You can hide statuses from the Portal by renaming it on the request type. See my answer to a similar question

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