Azure DevOps for Jira - Do not show failed build if most recent is a success

Gavin May 15, 2024

Related app: Azure DevOps for Jira


  If a feature branch with related Jira issue id is built in Azure DevOps, then the history of all associated builds are shown in the Jira issue. All previous build failures (and successes) are listed in the Details -> Development section of the issue. It would be preferable for only the most recent run of each associated build to be included in the failed builds section.

  Azure DevOps BuildA and BuildB triggered by a commit to the related feature branch.
  BuildA fails and BuildB fail.
  Azure DevOps BuildA and BuildB are triggered by a second commit.
  BuildA succeeds and BuildB fails.

In this scenario the Details -> Development section would list "3 builds failing", but it would make more sense to show "1 build failing" as BuildA is now in a state of success.

When using Releases in Jira, this also triggers warnings as even though the most recent builds may be successful, the issues are tagged with a warning because they have previous build failures.


  • Is it possible to only show the most recent build status for a given build?
  • Is it possible to ignore previous failures, if the most recent build is successful?
  • Is it done this way because the Azure DevOps for Jira cannot distinguish the difference between 2 triggers of BuildA vs. 1 trigger of BuildA and 1 trigger of BuildB?


Jira Issue Screen:


Release Screen:


1 answer

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 20, 2024

Hi Gavin,

Thanks for the feedback here.  At the present time, I don't believe we can limit this to only show succeeding builds, nor to hide the previously failed ones.   However there is a feature request over in that seeks to do that.  The behavior within Jira is not specific to this particular build provider (Azure), the same behavior could be seen within other development providers.

I would recommend voting on that issue and if you like to, leave a comment to explain how this affects your team.  This can help out team to prioritize changes to our products within the framework of our Implementation of New Features Policy.



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