Cascading list and Slack integration

Alona Gian May 17, 2024


Is there an update on the Jira cascading list and integration with Slack?

I cannot see the parameter defined as a cascading list in the Jira ticket opened from Slack and of course, if I try to make this field mandatory - I can't open a Jira ticket at all from Slack. Can this problem be solved?

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Tugba Capaci
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May 21, 2024

Hi @Alona Gian ,

You can check out the Jira app for Slack here. Alternatively, if you use Jira for support cases, you can have a look at the Jira support app for Slack here.

It generates issue fields according to your project's configurations and issue type. The configurations for issue types in Jira are directly reflected on the Slack side.

For example:

In my project, for a story, I just have summary, description, and priority fields. For a task, I only have summary and reporter fields. Whatever issue type I choose, it dynamically generates the fields accordingly.

You can see it in the video here


Alona Gian May 22, 2024

We have Slack and Jira integration. All other fields are working fine. Just the cascading list variable is having issues.

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