Restrict Active Directory users from specific forms

Colleen Gotling May 15, 2024

We have implemented SSO in our Jira instance so I know we are somehow linked to Active Directory.  In my customer Portal, I have various portal groups and request types but depending on the user's title, should determine which requests they are allowed to submit.  Is there a way that I am able to identify the title from Active Directory and then either show or hide each request type or portal group?

3 answers

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Ashwini_More _miniOrange May 19, 2024

Hey Colleen,

You can achieve this by setting up multiple portals with different request types and portal groups based on your requirements and then redirecting users according to the title.

At miniOrange, we have a solution that can help with this use case. Feel free to reach out to us at, and we’d be happy to assist you further.

Have a great week ahead!

P.S. I’m with miniOrange, a leading SSO vendor on the Atlassian Marketplace.

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arnav_miniOrange May 19, 2024

Hey Colleen,

You could pull this off using multiple portals having different request types and portal groups as per your requirement and then redirect users on the basis of the title. 

We have a solution that can help you with solving this use case. You can reach out to us at and we can assist you further. 

Have a great week ahead!



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Mikael Sandberg
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May 15, 2024

No, that is not possible to do currently. Once a user have access to the project they will see all visible request types on the portal for that project. The only way to do this would be to have separate projects and then control who have access to the project.

There is a suggestion to be able to do this, see JSDCLOUD-195, and based on the latest update this is something that is coming soon.

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