When is JIRA 5.0 being released to production?

Hugh Prior
Rising Star
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August 25, 2011

First of all congratulations Atlassian for the release of JIRA 5.0 EAP 3:


For me it's rather curiosity than a real need to know (since we are still on 3.13, ahem, I know), but can you (Atlassian) give us an idea when JIRA 5.0 is to be released?

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 25, 2011

You won't get an answer to this beyond "when it's ready". See https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/2892/release-date-of-confluence-4 for the last time something similar was asked - it applies to all of Atlassian's software.

Daniel Daniel August 25, 2011

Ironically, the very thread you linked to has an answer beyond "when it's ready". Matt Hodges noted their current goal.

While I'm fully in support of the "when it's ready" release philosophy, it's still nice to have a rough timeframe (even if it's "a few weeks" or "a couple of months" or "not for awhile").

Daniel Daniel August 25, 2011

The original poster was asking for "an idea", not an exact date.

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 25, 2011

Yes, and he made it abundently clear that this was an aspiration and that "when it's ready" is still the correct answer. If you trawl the forums and answers, you'll see that when estimates are given, they're rough, and never given until at least an Alpha version is knocking around. 5 isn't alpha yet, so you won't get anything.

Jim Birch
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August 28, 2011

If you watch the issues register for the version you might be able to make a slightly better guesses. At least it will give you something to do.

Atlassian don't pre-announce dates. It can be a little annoying but it I like it - and you should too - because avoids:

  • failing to release on the specified date, with all the resultant flak
  • releasing something substandard because they said you would, or,
  • sitting on a release that's ready because release date hasn't arrived.

Do you really want something with a lot of bugs but on time, or, a release sitting around waiting for a date that was guessed months ago?

Atlassian do a lot of releases so giving every iteration a date would require another layer of release management bureaucracy. Their agility keeps good products coming out the door, I wouldn't want to mess it even if I get a little uncertainty.

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Hugh Prior
Rising Star
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January 9, 2012

More discussion of this issue can be found on the following thread:


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