Jira Gantt Chart throws error

Nannette Simpson February 10, 2014

"Exception occurred loading search request: No filter. Unable to parse the query 'project= ORDERBY project asc, txVersion asc, assignee asc, ct[10011] asc, issuekey asc' with thrown exceptiion: 'Error in JQL Query: Expecting either a value, int or function but got 'ORDER' in quotation marks to use it as a value (line 1, character 10)"

2 answers

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Oleg_Gerovich February 26, 2014

Hi Nannette,

I'm not aware of good competitors, but take a look at https://answers.atlassian.com/questions/261657/gantt-chart-seems-to-throw-an-error. Frank released a new version of the plugin, which resolved the issue for us. Be aware that some functionality seems to have changed.

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Oleg_Gerovich February 10, 2014

We had the same error appear on 02/20/2014 without making changes (as far as I know). We are using plugin version 3.0.0-JIRA6 with an evaluation license that expires on February 24, 2014.

Nannette Simpson February 26, 2014

I have several project owners who will be disappointed that we can't deploy a Gantt chart solution. Do you know of a competitor that I could eval?

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