Plan variables passed to the queue service get ignored

Ozan Mindek October 23, 2011

I'm trying to trigger a bamboo build with overridden plan variables through the REST API.

As documented in , I tried to do a POST to:

Where the plan variables I want to override are moduleName and moduleRevision. The build does get started, however the bamboo logs report that the variables were substitued with the empty string (or the default value when I set one):

24-Oct-2011 13:39:19
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.moduleName} with
24-Oct-2011 13:39:19
Substituting variable: ${bamboo.moduleRevision} with

I also tried:

* Sending the variables as post parameters

* Dropping the bamboo. prefix

to no avail.

This was working at some point in the past (since I sound happy here:, but I can't get it to work now. It's possible that bamboo was upgraded since then. The current version is 3.2.2 build 2602.

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Przemek Bruski
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 24, 2011

Try it with bamboo.variable prefix:

And you have to POST that.

The variables will be available to your scripts without the bamboo.variable prefix.

Ozan Mindek October 24, 2011

Saved once again. Thanks!

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