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Welcome to the Work Management community group

wave.jpeg G’Day and welcome!


We’re excited to have you join our new community group. This group is a place where we hope you can engage, learn and share your perspective on how you use different Atlassian products together. Atlassian products are great individually, but they are even better when used together. This group welcomes your questions and first-hand experience with different ways of working together.


TARGET.jpg  What is work management?

You may already be familiar with the terms Agile, or DevOps, but what about Work Management? What is it and why is it important? Agile was a new methodology that aimed to help software teams react and adapt quickly to changes. DevOps was another methodology that aimed to address the issues between development teams and operations teams. These two methodologies target the ways of working between developer and IT teams, but what about their business counterparts? Work Management is a similar methodology but aimed at addressing the way we work with our business teams.

According to Gartner, work management can be defined as:


a set of software products and services that apply workflow structure to the movement of information as well as to the interaction of business processes and human worker processes that generate the information. Work management streamlines and transforms crucial business processes and thus can improve results and performance.”

Ultimately, Work Management is a new way of working that looks to improve productivity in business processes and projects.


rocket.jpeg  Mission

The Work Management community group is focused on encouraging users to show how they integrate Atlassian products and the best practices they have for working across teams. This group will be mostly focused on our work management products (Confluence, Atlas, Trello, JWM) but we welcome examples of pulling in other tools that you use outside of Atlassian in your workflows. We hope this will be a place where customers and Atlassians can come together to create feedback loops and open, honest discussions about Atlassian product plans, ideas, wins, problems, and desired future features. 


meeple.001.png People

Your community leaders will be @Emilee , @Heather Krebsbach  @Traci Wilbanks  , from the Atlassian team working on bringing you more integration features between Atlassian Products. We are here to help you out, ask and answer questions, and make sure we all get something valuable out of being here!


target_blue.jpeg Objectives

Our objectives are to provide a great place to:

  1. Find new ways to use Atlassian products together

  2. Discuss different workflows and ways of working between teams

  3. Share use cases and real-life examples of success

  4. Showcase integrations between Atlassian and 3rd party products

  5. Ask questions about Atlassian product integration capabilities

  6. Establish strong feedback loops with the Atlassian product teams

The way the members of this group engage with each other is entirely based on the type of members that join. Thank you for bringing an open mind, thoughtful questions, and any wisdom you have to share with others. 

Tell us a little about yourself! Our members will benefit from knowing the type of people that join this group. 

  • Perhaps knowing your background will spark a question. 

  • Perhaps the teams or type of company you work with will generate solidarity. 

  • Perhaps you have the most unique experience and others want to learn more. 

  • Perhaps you will meet a new friend for coffee chats to discuss work, ideas, and careers. 

Whatever the case, consider responding to at least two of the icebreaker questions in the comments: 

  1. What type of team or company do you work for?

  2. What is an antiquated way of working and how would you want to see it change?

  3. What do you hope to get out of this group?

  4. What do you hope to bring to this group?

  5. What is your favorite configuration tip and why? 

  6. What is your favorite work gif?

  7. Do you have a hobby or something you enjoy when not working? 

blue_heart.png We appreciate you sharing your time and expertise with the community. blue_heart.png


Community Manager
Community Managers are Atlassian Team members who specifically run and moderate Atlassian communities. Feel free to say hello!
April 13, 2023

I'll kick us off here! 

I'm Emilee and I've been a long-time Atlassian, jumping around different teams in marketing. If you're an Atlassian Partner or Marketplace app developer, you may remember me from my days engaging the Marketplace community :) 

Now, I'm on our Work Management Solutions Marketing teams working on bring attention to more ways of working across our products. I really hope to learn from the community about the different workflows that you have set up and the ways you link your tools together. Everyone works different, and I look forward to learning from you all!

As for my favorite work gif, I usually revert to something from The Office. Today I'm feeling this one :) 


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Traci Wilbanks
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 14, 2023
Hey Community 👋

I'm Traci, your friendly neighborhood content enthusiast and long-time fan of Confluence. I was instrumental in getting Connie implemented at a couple of companies before joining Atlassian four years ago on April 15th when I joined the Confluence product team.

Now I'm working on the Work Management Solutions team as a Lead Content Designer where we are tackling the challenges and opportunities when using multiple products to track and manage work.
Since Atlassians use our products to manage work, my latest config AH-HA has been the connection of Jira Work Management projects to Confluence spaces (or pages within a space) through the Pages feature in JWM. It feels neat and tidy to connect the long-form project descriptions and requirements composed in Confluence to the work tasks. Trying to put all that stuff in the JWM task isn't great for sharing with stakeholders and collecting feedback through inline and page comments. Plus, the Confluence page versions keep track of what happened when.

I'm a dog person, but my favorite work gif is 

In addition to loving helping people with words, I also love flying my drone (DJI Mini 2).

Looking forward to learning from you all!
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Cody Alder
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 17, 2023

Howdy y'all!

I'm Cody, a Lead Product Designer here at Atlassian. I'm fairly new to Atlassian, but excited to be here and to be a tireless advocate for better Work Management practices. 

Speaking of which, if I could change one outdated method of working it would be the 'heads down, cubical farm' sort of approach to work - where all work and knowledge is silo'd to individuals with little to no collaboration. Call me an optimistic extravert, but I think 2+ heads on a problem are generally better than one. 

Since I'm new to Atlassian, pretty much every day I find a new 'ah-ha' moment or at least some cool feature/tip that's new to me. Recently though, I'm super partial to our new 'Smart Links feature' and have been embedding relevant Confluence pages into my Trello/JWM tickets to aggregate context and keep myself focused. 

My favorite work gif is without a question: 

Dancing Cowboy GIF - Dancing Cowboy Finger Gun GIFs

As it keeps things sassy and positive while leaning slightly into my Texan roots.

When I'm not pushin' pixels, you can find me hiking, playing bass, or at some local sporting game. 

I think that covers things! Excited to be here and collab with all y'all.

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Manon Soubies-Camy _Modus Create_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 26, 2023

Hey @Emilee!

I'm Manon, I have been working with Jira and Confluence since 2014 (almost 10 years 😱). I started using Jira as a support engineer, then became an Atlassian consultant and am now focused on marketing.

I'm still using Jira and Confluence daily: I plan all my marketing activities in Jira, and document everything in Confluence.

My favorite work gif is this one:


Outside of work, I do a lot of knitting - you can learn more about that right here on Community 🙋‍♀️

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Community Manager
Community Managers are Atlassian Team members who specifically run and moderate Atlassian communities. Feel free to say hello!
April 26, 2023

Ah that's such a great gif ❤️ @Manon Soubies-Camy _Modus Create_  and what a unique way to use Trello. I wouldn't have considered it for asset tracking like you do with your balls of yarn :) 

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Merveille Umulisa
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
May 16, 2023

Hello @Emilee + everyone☺️,

My name is Merveille Umulisa and I am a university student who got the chance to intern in a company which used Agile /Kanban boards to manage their work flow.

Anf although I do not work for that company anymore, I still use Trello to organise my work and keep track of tasks.

I am hoping to learn from everyone how to use Atlassian tools for better work management, as all this is new to me.

Apart from that, I like watching japanese animation and reading psychology/motivational books.

I do not use GIF but emojis 😀😄😁😃😆 make their way in most of my conversations.


If I have a favorite GIF,  it would be something close to this 

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Community Manager
Community Managers are Atlassian Team members who specifically run and moderate Atlassian communities. Feel free to say hello!
May 16, 2023

Haha nice gif @Merveille Umulisa and welcome to the group. I hope we can help educate you more about how to use the tools together for work management. Besides Trello, what other Atlassian tools are you familiar with?

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Merveille Umulisa
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
June 7, 2023

Trello is the only Atlassian tool I am familiar with. I am really excited about this community because I will be hearing (reading) about other work management tools.

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Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 7, 2023

Hi everyone, I was introduced to this group through the Work'n it Kudos badge. I really like this group so far and it was a great idea to create it! I use lots of Atlassian products and have for many years and I have also been on the community for many years. I work for CSAA Insurance Group, AKA AAA Insurance and I am a Product Manager for a system that sends emails and text messages to our policyholders. It is a fun job! I just wrote this article for the Work'n It Challenge so check it out! 

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Sabrina Melo da Silva November 17, 2023

Hey there! I work for a tech company that relies heavily in meetings to get stuff done and I am hoping to change this, with help from this community and Atlassian tools. I am excited about using Atlas to connect the dots between several Jira projects toward a goal and streamline communication.

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