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Premium Week 2022: Let the games begin!


We’re so excited to kick off Atlassian Premium Week. Before we dive into our activity for Day 1, we’ve got two exciting announcements for this week:

1. During Premium Week, everyone gets access to Trello Views

Trello Timelines? Tables? Calendars? You’ve got them!

During Premium Week, every Free and Standard Trello customer is getting access to these advanced views that are normally only accessible to our Trello Premium edition.

If you’re a Trello user, you’re probably already familiar with boards, but with the Premium feature Trello views, you can see your projects from every angle with Timeline, Table, Calendar, Dashboard, Map, and Workspace views that will bring a fresh perspective to the task at hand. No action needed – just log in to get started and you'll see these new views by EOD today (11/14) !✨

Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 10.18.58 AM.png

And be quick 🏃‍♂️, you’ll only see these views on your account during Premium Week (unless you upgrade to Trello Premium of course 😉). If you try them out, let us know what you think in the comments.

2. Collaboration matchmaking sign-up opens today

We’re partnering with Orbiit to curate 1:1 conversations between Community members for Premium Week!

You will be matched with other Community members based on your shared experiences and interests. The goal of this program is for you to connect with your peers, share ideas and perspectives, and learn about better, more agile ways of working.

To join this activity, opt-in by signing up here by end of day Tuesday (Nov 15). When you opt in, Orbiit will match you with another member, schedule the meeting, and provide a suggested agenda to ensure an effortless and successful conversation.

We’ll send out meeting invites Wednesday for conversations Thursday and Friday!


Day 1: Let the games begin! What’s your superpower?

Let’s kick things off with some fun. We know work isn't always fun and games, but today, it can be.

If your team were in a video game, what would it be and what Premium power-ups would you have?

This is a great opportunity to highlight your team skills, share how you use Atlassian features to supercharge them, and learn from other teams using Atlassian tools to supercharge their teamwork. And, a chance for some swag and that shiny new Premium Week Badge!

✋🏼We’ll go first. If you’re not familiar, our Premium Team includes:

All of those come together under the Atlassian mission to help unleash (and supercharge ⚡️) the potential of every team, so we’re going with Tetris! We’ve got tools that serve different purposes for different teams but complement each other enough to fill in the gaps and connect all the teams and tools and get everyone to the next level.

Drop your video game and team superpowers in the comments below!


Keep track of all Premium Week activities here.

We’re supercharging our commitment to a good cause with a donation for every Premium Trial started this week. 💙 Learn more about our free Premium trials for Trello, Jira, and Confluence here.



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Tiffany J November 14, 2022

Free City and we aim to fix it all.

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Rising Star
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November 14, 2022

@Gabby Williams good start of Monday Premium

awesome, I started my Monday Premium

thanks for sharing. 

Vikram P

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Rising Star
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November 14, 2022

Xblocks to check how highest number I reach

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trthomas November 14, 2022

Minecraft - we are building a better environment for all teams.

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Grace Liu
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November 14, 2022

Tapper. Trying to keep up with customer requests.

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Jonathan V. November 14, 2022

Honestly, most of the time it feels like we're in Frogger, just trying to get across alive. LOL

Our superpower would be x-ray vision, because we can truly see through unclear specifications and requests to the real root desire of our users.

Hopefully, we'll be going from Frogger to Super Mario Bros this year, as I work with the team and the business to better address how we work so we can become more proactive, rather than just reactive.

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Pramodh M
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November 14, 2022

@Gabby Williams 


Trello Views

Have already tried the Trello views, using it for quite some time now, and there are good things and has room for improvement as well

Good things

1. Save a view when the filter is applied is a good option
2. Adding boards is a good option to have
3. Multiple projects update in one view
4. Editing the cards right from the table is very good

Improvements needed

1. Create a card from a Table view
2. Adding other Custom fields in table views
3. Share option with specific people in the workspace
4. Edit option is good to have

Collaboration matchmaking

Signed up for Orbiit as well for this Thursday or Friday!! Looking forward to the match :-)


If I were to be in a game with the team, here's how it would go (Ori and will of the wisps)

Embark on a journey with Ori, where Ori would help find all the Atlassian Premium features and ensure the users in the team would be benefitting from the features!!

Each product can be considered a separate chapter or mission which will have the option to start the journey parallelly and we have only one map for all the chapters.


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Alex Koxaras _Relational_
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November 14, 2022

@Gabby Williams 

I would definitely had insight vision!

(almost) Unlimited service limits would be my next superpower of choice!

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swasti_agarwal November 14, 2022

Hey @Gabby Williams

Thanks for bringing in some creativity here on a Monday!

Well my take here would be Super Mario. Our premium power-ups:-

  1. Be it any obstacles, we tend to deal with it proactively and always find a way forward.
  2. Learn from mistakes and hence treat failure as a new opportunity to re-do. Just like in Mario when touched by a Koopa or falling down from the wall, we tend to start afresh/restart.
  3. Just like in the game, to complete a stage we have specific time duration, here too we fend to mange our times pretty well by Prioritizing our tasks.
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Andrés Sabatini
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November 14, 2022

Hi everyone!

I think mine would be something like Project Zomboid and I would love using JWM Premium mostly because of the advanced roadmaps tool

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Christel Gray November 14, 2022

Our team is most like Pac-Man


We're always chasing after those nuggets of development. Our power ups are we're able to quickly change direction to avoid those evil ghosts of non-essential work! :)

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justin.fleming November 14, 2022

@Gabby Williams 

Sonic the Hedgehog here, as requests and needs move at such as fast clip, but to keep track of all that we need to (and maximize rings, score, and keep the final time as low as we can while doing a good job!), we need tools and features for ITSM that will help us succeed. What comes to mind first for me is being able to keep track of all our Assets in Jira as easily as possible and in a way we can integrate that information into our tickets.

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Daniel Ebers
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November 14, 2022

Although no one with us is wearing green hair it could be like lemmings, showing that we need to work together - just like them to achieve a goal.
I wonder how they would be self-organized when not directed by a player. Probably they would coordinate in a kanban board or in Trello :-)

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Devin Gill
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November 14, 2022

Cyberpunk 2077 - shaky start, but we're making it work 

The power to load a save to fix past mistakes 😂

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Eric Salazar
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November 14, 2022

Buenas tardes Trellistas!!!

creo que el MArio Bross es el 1 de todos al menos para mi 



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November 14, 2022

Thanks for sharing. I'm Still exploring

Brant Schroeder
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November 14, 2022

@Gabby Williams There is an older video game called time raid where you can clone yourself. I would go with Sandbox on Jira premium.  having a place to test and validate everything it a super power you cannot go without.

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Tim Lamoureux November 14, 2022

Super Mario World - I would definitely have the cape to fly over any enemies on the ground (unplanned work) and get to the root cause of the problems. In other words: Be less reactive and structure the work to be proactive!

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Sharon Halpin November 14, 2022

Not into video games but do play Microsoft's Solitaire Collection while I'm 'thinking'. 

I'm a team of one running multiple small business projects so my superpower is keeping all the plates spinning and hoping none will dare to fall.  Gets the adrenaline going.

Relatively new to Confluence and Jira - still exploring the possibilities but impressed and liking what I'm seeing so far.  Will be upgrading to Standard.  Think Premium would be overkill but who knows.

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Steven Mustari
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November 14, 2022

Beat Saber - Just because.

Superpower... would be BLOCKBUSTER - it would help us just bust through whatever requirements are thrown our way!

Andy Gladstone
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November 14, 2022

Sim City 2000. Hands Down.

We are building so many pieces of the puzzle each day we would use Confluence Premium for best practices documentation, holding all of the cheat codes and collaboration around the build. Team Calendars would allow us to determine when work should be done, and when breaks need to be taken. Inspect Permissions would ensure that each municipal office had proper access to their documentation. 

City planning would take place in Jira Software Premium where we would solicit user stories from the city inhabitants to ensure we are designing with the end-user in mind. Of course Advanced Roadmaps would literally help us determine where our roads were mapping to.

All post-build maintenance, upkeep and recurring tasks would be handled in Trello Premium where we would use the Kanban-style boards to move items from To-Do to Done, and would use the map view and  repeat power-ups to spawn new cards for daily, weekly, monthly and annual tasks. 

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Marco Brundel
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November 14, 2022

Super Mario and as a kind of Luigi we help with everything

Meg Wedding November 14, 2022

Captain Planet and the Planeteers. 

Our world is in peril. Atlas, the spirit of Atlassian, can no longer stand the terrible destruction plaguing our people. He uses his magic rings to create four products that will change the course of history. From all ends of the planet, the power of Jira, Confluence, JSM and Trello combine to summon earth's greatest champion - Captain Premium!

Rilwan Ahmed
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November 14, 2022

Need For Speed (NFS)
When you are about to drop, take up the boosters (Nitrogen in the game ,Suggestion/help from colleagues in the work)

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Kishan Sharma
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November 15, 2022

BFF or Die. The only way we can win this game is to work together solving puzzles, strategizing. Not being a single player game, we need to rely on each other. The powerup would be Release Tracks and Roadmaps to keep our team and organization in sync to win the game.

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