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What is the purpose of Atlassian?

Mark Mosior June 27, 2022

I was told by Nic Brough _Adaptavist that this is not a forum to ask questions that might require some technical knowledge.  Is he the spokes person for this group?

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Rae Gibbs
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 27, 2022

@Mark Mosior I think it depends on the extent of your technical question. If it is something that is related to how the customer's specific instance is set up and something that needs a deeper dive into the details of the data, reaching out to Support via the Service Desk may be more appropriate. Since this is a public forum, we wouldn't want screenshots of sensitive customer data exposed here.

That's not to say you can't ask technical questions and find some general support here. Hope that helps.

Mark Mosior June 27, 2022

Thank you, Rae!!  I was hoping for some type of direction.  I was not going to share sensitive information.  I just was hoping someone had experience with the software.  

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Peter-Dave Sheehan
Community Leader
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June 27, 2022

Atlassian is the maker of collaboration tools such as Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello and a few others.

This forum is used by the community of users involved with those products to share best practices and help each other get the most out of those tools.

The majority of responses come from other community users.

That's why you won't get much tractions if you asked about other products not associated with Atlassian.

Now, if you had some questions about integration between Kill Bill and Jira for example and you were hoping for other jira users that also happen to be Kill Bill users, then this forum would be appropriate.  But it's not clear how your question about KillBill and ACH payment relates to any atlassian product.

Mark Mosior June 27, 2022

Thank you, Peter.  I am not a technician by any stretch of the imagination.  I have been reading posts and questions, and thought that it could not hurt to ask.  

2 votes
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 27, 2022

Not quite - I suggested that this is not a place to ask questions about software that has nothing to do with Atlassian.  Not because we are not interested, but that because you're extremely unlikely to get anything useful.

I mean, I currently have a question about using smart values in Jira Automations and another about the timing cycle in the latest version of Pro-IV.  I wouldn't expect anyone in an ACH forum to have any idea what I'm talking about, let alone actually have the knowledge and time to help!

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