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Daily rituals

Community Manager
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August 31, 2020

Hi everyone! 

Hope you're off to another great week :). During COVID, I have found that keeping up a tried and true daily routine has been really helpful. I try to do things that I know will keep me happy and sane (workout, take breaks, read instead of watching tv), although I did just finish 2 seasons of Succession ... 😉

I'd say my favorite daily ritual is making breakfast. I have had oatmeal with bananas, berries, and peanut butter every day for close to the last three years, and I'm still not sick of it. 

What daily ritual is keeping you sane these days?



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Dave Liao
Community Leader
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August 31, 2020


It's a must. Not that I'm mean in the morning (I'm not), but I might mix up the details for whatever procedure doc I'm working on... 😉 

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Community Manager
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September 1, 2020

What kind of coffee are we talkin' @Dave Liao ? 

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Dave Liao
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September 1, 2020

@Bridget - black! If I'm going out, I've got a few favorites, otherwise I brew my own stuff with a Chemex 👐

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Jens Kisters __SeibertSolutions
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August 31, 2020

Since the lockdown 90% of use have been working remotely, we started a company wide (we're only ~20) morning zoom call, not only talking strictly about business.

It's nice to see also the folks you dont work with on a daily basis (since we asked everyone to loose their jammies and turn their cameras on during these daily calls)

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Community Manager
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September 1, 2020

@Jens Kisters __SeibertSolutions I love that ritual! With a small team, it's so important to feel connected to your coworkers. (Also a really good reason to not wear PJs 24/7)...

For the 10% of folks who go in - is that a personal choice? Or is it necessary for them to do their work in-person? 

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Simon Watt
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September 5, 2020

I'm lucky enough to live in a part of the world that is under no lock-down or restrictions (Northern Australia) with the exception of not being able to travel and some social distancing guidelines. So we are blessed to be able to do team stand-ups in the flesh, remember those ?

It seems surreal to watch what's happening elsewhere around the world. Rest assured we feel very fortunate !

But on the subject of daily rituals...   how do "oatmeal with bananas, berries, and peanut butter" form to make a breakfast dish, as a fan of all of the above I'm fascinated, where does the peanut butter go ??

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Community Leader
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September 11, 2020

As I transitioned to work from home full time for the forseeable future, I noticed that my internal clock began to drift. I began working constantly and ignoring my mental and physical health. I have yet to begin waking up early to "hit the gym" as I once did, but I am taking a daily lunch hour to complete a 7 minute workout, a short yoga focus, and meditation. As I take time for myself daily I notice that I feel more focused, anchored, and adaptable. It's so important to maintain some sense of normalcy, even in the face of incredibly abnormal circumstances. 

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Community Manager
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September 29, 2020

@elizabeth_jones , really good reminder to take time for yourself!! I agree - routine (especially when it comes to self care / exercise) can make all the different. Thank you for sharing! 

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Joseph Gillian December 9, 2020

I want to share with you what "ritual" prevents me from working at home. Unfortunately, I'm a pedant: cleanliness and order in my house is a very important guarantee of productive work for me. When I worked in the office, I naturally didn’t give it any meaning. But working remotely, I cannot be productive until my home wouldn't have perfect cleanliness. Who has the same situation?

Deleted user August 5, 2021

I run into the same sort of issues. Not so much cleanliness as finish up projects I started the day before. I do personal projects in my office as well. When I start work, if I see something I did not complete, I tend to stop working and start completing the project. It starts with "Let me take care of this one thing first, then I will log in." It seems to grow into one more thing. Sort of like my son when he is playing video games. "Just one more level...."

It is important to me to keep everything boxed, or compartmentalized. I can remind myself that now is not the time for that. I also try to make sure no unfinished projects are left out. I keep them in different boxes, literally. I bought some plastic boxes with lids, all the same size so they can stack easily, and each has a label I printed out so I know what is in it. As I complete a project, the box gets re-allocated to the next project. Some are too big to fit in a box, like the Lexmark t650 printer I am taking apart to salvage the motors and stuff out of. 

Now that I can come back to the office as I want, I try to get in several days per week to avoid that distraction. Keeping personal stuff separate from business stuff is challenging. 

Christian Sterk January 1, 2021

I startet jogging every day.

3 weeks after I HAD Covid-19!

110kg 37 year old bodybuilder from Norway. I jogged 30mins on a track, and got 2,4km. I really gave it ALL I had of energy.

I coughed like a grandfather for 15mins when I got home. And mye heart was ponding out of my chest for 10min, and was flat on the couch Netflix’n  the rest of the day. Sooo tired.

But the next day, I ran 3,5 and did not cough at all, and my pulse was back to normal in 5 min’s! And energylevels back! 

So if you are not in shape, to better protect yourself from Covid-10, you should start some form of exercize! 

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Deleted user August 5, 2021

I have no excuses. I love physical exercise. For some reason, I love hitting the snooze button more.

Darryl Lee
Atlassian Team
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April 1, 2022

Hands down to that! Am so going to build up my workout habit!

Michael Schulze January 31, 2021

We do three dailys a week on remote (MS Teams)

Darryl Lee
Atlassian Team
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April 1, 2022

I must go have a cup of coffee on my balcony to inhale some fresh air.

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