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Free Team '24 Community event coming to Hamburg!


Join local Atlassian users throughout May and June to explore the highlights and key takeaways from our flagship event of the year, Team '24.

Meet us in your city to expand your understanding of teamwork innovation, connect with industry peers, be inspired by other customers' success stories, and share tips and tricks with like-minded people.

Join us in Hamburg on May 23, 2024!


What you can expect at these events

There's something for everyone, whether you are a product manager, an executive, an agile team leader or a marketer.

⭐️ Valuable content: get insights on using AI as a teammate, improving developer experience, deepening cross-functional collaboration, and more.

⭐️ Face time with experts: ask questions and engage with Atlassians, Atlassian Community Leaders and Solution Partners who will share highlights from Team '24.

⭐️ The inside scoop: be the first to know about the latest product updates and announcements from Atlassian, and don’t miss out on tips and tricks you can take back to your team.

⭐️ All the swag: enjoy free food, drinks, and swag from Atlassian and local Solution Partners.

⭐️ Networking opportunities: meet other Atlassian users in your city and learn each others’ best practices, plus ways to build and boost your career.

⭐️ Exclusive prizes: Attend an Atlassian Community Team '24 event and get a chance to win a free voucher for an Atlassian University certification of your choice!

⭐️ Bring a friend: Community events are free to attend and all are welcome. Bring a plus one (or three) and grow your local community!


We hope to see you in May! Let us know in the comments if you're attending🚀



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Lars Maehlmann
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 7, 2024

Yes, it will be great. We will meet at New Work and have everything for a great event. For further question please don't hesitate to ask @Lars Maehlmann , @Thomas Schlegel . Also you can write a question in the Hamburg group
Hope to see you all at the event. 

Like Emma Chang likes this
Emma Chang
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 15, 2024

Wish you all the best on the event @Lars Maehlmann 🚀

AUG Leaders

Atlassian Community Events