Watermark on prints and page exports

Ondrej Doubek May 16, 2024

We host our company policies in Confluence. To be ISO 27001 compliant, policies need to version controlled and approved.

Here is the problem I am trying to solve:

As long as the page is in Confluence the document lifecycle and versioning are intact- the moment I print a page, or export it, I remove that document from the document lifecycle, and it becomes "uncontrolled".

I would like to reflect that with a watermark on the printed or exported document that say something like "uncontrolled copy".

But that watermark should only be visible when the page is exported or printed, not on the "live" page in Confluence.

Is there a functionality, macro or plugin that can do that?

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Kristian Klima
Rising Star
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May 16, 2024

Hello @Ondrej Doubek and welcome to the community

Nazdar Ondro :) 

Try Scroll PDF Exporter by K15t - they have this Create a Custom Background feature.

You should be able to create a template so, when exporting an uncontrolled copy, you just use the appropriate template. 

(they also have solutions to version your entire doc set and control the lifecycle on a whole new level).

Ondrej Doubek May 16, 2024

Diky, Kristian  :-)

I will definitively test it out.

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Shannon Meehan _K15t_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
May 16, 2024

Hi @Ondrej Doubek,

Welcome to the Community! It sounds like my team’s app Scroll PDF Exporter could really help here. You could add a custom background to your exports to achieve this. Check out the documentation for more detail

For even further control in this use case, you could also add placeholders in the exports that would display the extra version information that your team or the audience might need. Here’s some information about those placeholders and how they function.

I hope this is helpful! Let us know if you have any questions or want a quick demo. Just reach out to my team at help@k15t.com. 

Cheers, Shannon (K15t)

Ondrej Doubek May 16, 2024

Thank you, Shannon :-)

I had a quick glance at the marketplace page, and it looks like it solves this problem, and more.
I will suggest to our Confluence admins installing a test version, and test it out.

Best, Ondrej

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