I am trying to import a single Epic followed by several Tasks and link the Tasks to the Epic using Epic Name and Epic Link but keep receiving the warning message below, and the task fails to link t...
Hello there :) I have a question about Jira plans. We use Jira plans for a long term planning (infrastructure asset-management) where the time horizon sometimes exceeds 20 years from now.&...
...gnoring the following declarations in this rule. #confluence #error #InvalidToken #Warnings #catalina
Hi ! Recently my team and me received a yellow warning about reaching the max amount of used labels on our Trello Board. The solution is not to erase some of them (because this is not a permanent s...
I am trying to do a Bulk upload and keep encountering the Warnings below and its preventing me from being able to do the bulk upload. Any help with what the warnings mean and how i can fix t...
I'm working on a Jira Dashboard for a Program in Advanced Roadmaps. I'd like to use a Dashboard Filter Gadget to display all issues that are flagged with a warning in the Advanced Roadmap? Is t...
Hi, in my configuration of a Service Desk Project inside Jira Service Desk v4.12 i am facing some confusing error due to the permission scheme change i made. Every customer get their ow...
Here is a snapshot: Now, I understand that the warnings are fairly self-explanatory: ----- Warnings indicate when the status of a JIRA issue doesn't reflect related development activity....
Hi, I have no warnings shown in my advanced roadmaps. I played around and scheduled dependent (blocking) issues specifically to violate the order, still no warnings show. No Warning center on top. Warning...
Hi, I have a scripted field (created with Adaptavist ScriptRunner) that in some cases throws warning that I've definied with: log.warn("Field change") Is there a way to catch this warning m...
Hi I have a stopped pipeline I do not want to run as it will push incorrect images to docker hub. This in itself is not an issue but it causes misleading warning symbols as subsequent builds in t...
Hello, My repo includes quite a large amount of *.lib files which consume space. Lately I started to see a warning about excessive repo size and decided to switch to LFS. I've followed i...
In Confluence Cloud, how do I insert a Note, Info, Tip, or Warning? It says that these things can be done with a "legacy editor". That sounds like something that is old or deprecated a...
Is there any way to remind a user to use a label for a page once created? Something like a short warning/reminder "please label this page" would be good.
I am receiving this message on every card that I use jotform and butler on. Does anyone know what this means? How do I fix it? Warning: file_get_contents(/www/landing/live/trello/package.json...
We recently upgraded our Confluence from 5.x to the most recent 6 .15.1 (Server). Today when using Confluence, all health checks repeatedly pop up when opening any Macro dialogue during editing. ...
Space auditor system audit and statistics Plugin: About the Warnings in the below image while checking the status after the installation: What is the impact of these warnings. When we start t...
Hi, In JIRA, a warning message appears when trying to navigate away from the current page with unsaved data entered into a form. This behaviour is exactly like what I am trying to achieve but u...
... When user tries to click on the Register button multiple times, the message to be displayed when the form is read only and the warning to be displayed as pop up message on the top of the p...
Hi community, I suddenly received warnings when trying to start a Jira instance (CentOS 7x64, Jira 7.8.1). Instance was working fine but now does not, I remember I updated mysql server 2 days ago b...
Hi there! I read a lot about the repository sizes in bitbucket cloud and it seems as giving the support a hint to run gc is the only solution so far. So, I reduced the size of our repository (Bitbu...
...g. A warning stating something like "This ticket was approved more than 2 weeks ago." or "This ticket is pre-approved for reason X." Has anyone encountered a way to do this? I've found n...
Hello everyone, This discussion has been moved to another Atlassian Community page. To learn about BGC and BPC Warnings and how to successfully and effectively get rid of them along with issues t...
I'm looking at the audit log and I see that most entries have an author that refers to a real JIRA user. However, some entries have an author of "JIRA". What does this mean? Does it mean the action ...
Why are only SOME of my users getting an error message that says "We can't create that blueprint right now. Transaction rolled back because it has been marked as rollback only." when tryi...
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