Hello, we have the following case: A restricted page which is only accessible for two people, contains a task/action item which is confidential. Another page in the same Space, w...
Hi all I would like to create task in Confluence, triggered by the change of the status of a page. For example, as soon as the status of a page is changed to "TO BE REVIEWED", a new task to r...
Tasks or stories in Jira can involve multiple steps. If it’s a software feature, new hire, or sales presentation, they often involve the same steps. But if some steps aren’t covered in the Jira i...
Hi from Inca's Land, so I'm new here discovering Jira's features, focusing at FORMS and TASK managment See you
Hello, the task is how can the user hide all other tasks from other projects so that he does not see them even through search? Leave him only tasks from his own project
Hi there, I have a project with different issues types that I want to automate task creations upon transition of statuses. I've been able to successfully do this with epic issue type, h...
Hello Folks! When doing sprint planning, certain subtasks are to be taken care of during a sprint but not necessarily the whole task as we use subtasks to map out the stages of completion for a task...
I've got a substantive number of tasks within a page. When I use the Task Report, it links me back to the page, but then requires me to scroll through a huge volume of information to find the a...
Hello, I am searching a way (may be JQL-function) to list all Subtasks assigned to me for defined Sprint in Parent (Task) but Sprint not set in Subtask. Thanks in advance
Hi! Let's say I have a list of customers stored in my Confluence database. Is it possible to configure a field in Jira in which, when creating a task, I can select one of the customers from m...
As you may have noticed, there's a new player in town! At Tick, we're dedicated to revolutionizing the user experience for task management. In this brief article, I want to introduce you to one of t...
Hi, how should I set the user - customer, so that he can create and edit tasks in the project, but he will see and be able to edit only those he created, not other tasks. I created the project r...
Based off this example, I understand how to link stories, bugs, Epics, and subtasks using Issues ID's and Parent IDs, but what about Story > Task > Subtask.
When cloning a project, the checklist with its respective subtasks is not duplicated. How do I clone the subtasks as well?
Hello, I am working on an automation, which will make all the task, subtasks to be inherit epic's assignee. We use issue template app to create multiple tasks and subtasks associated w...
Hello, We have configured an epic wihich created multiple tasks and subtasks by using the Issue template App. I am asked to remove multiple subtasks belong to one specific task when tone of t...
Hi Community, I want to create a custom level of hierarchy above the Portfolio Epic in JIRA data center. My use-case is: Currently, we have Epics > Features > Tasks > Sub-tasks where w...
Is it atlassian allow option to include project task's time on parent case (Customer project) like we have on project sub-task's (Internal project)? If I add task under Customer project b...
Question - Is there a way to apply the BDD_Feature label to tasks so that tasks can be turned into features, enabling the Feature Content section so that scenarios can be added and the feature file c...
Can you create a task and align it to a feature?
Ask: In Home, on the Tasks screen, there is a Filters option menu, on that menu I would like to request that Labels be added. Use case: Our users use the label meeting-notes to flag m...
How can i track sub-tasks or tasks which are assigned to user "X", but the parent of this task/sub-task is not assigned to user "X"? e.g. sub-task '456' is assigned to 'John'. The Sub-task '456' i...
When I'm trying to reorder subtasks in the task it's impossible for me: Jira simply doesn't show the icon of drag-and-drop reordering. My colleagues with similar or lower access have such a p...
Quel produit/module rajouter pour gérer dans JIRA les tâches internes de mes équipes (idem TEAMS) ? Bonjour, je gère le JIRA/XRAY de mon entreprise. nous avons qqchose comme 200 projets. Ce sont à...
Hi everyone, I'm using releases/versions as milestones in Jira Advanced Roadmaps, and I have a question about automation. When I adjust the due date of one release/version, I would like the...
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