Trying to manage Statuspage programmatically and not finding any recent / still-maintained python SDK libraries. Alternatively, is there a Swagger endpoint for the Statuspage APIs to allow "do-it-y...
If you're using the Jira web interface, you can manually link an attachment to a comment by mentioning it in the comment text. However, when working with the SDK, I haven't found a direct way to a...
Hi, I try to create an SDK connector in Workato to XRAY. Is someone experienced with it and maybe can share an example of the code in the Workato SDK Connector? Thanks!
Hi everyone, We have an integration with Opsgenie by using the Java Opsgenie client "com.opsgenie.integration" % "sdk" % "2.11.2" In which we c...
Using the official SDK how can someone get a list of pull requests that were closed between two dates? Right now I can get only by creation d...
We are in the process of upgrading our Jira data center from 8.20.14 to 9.4.6 and we have some custom plugins that are compiled using atlassian-sdk 8.2.7 which seems to be the latest, Would like t...
...uestions are: is this even possible? if so, does anyone have any code/examples that are even remotely similar which I can work with? Is Java and the SDK the only language & framework we can use for b...
Hello, Is there intended support for ? It seems like it stopped last year. Thank you.
...ould" instances of "Bamboo" and Bitbucket. We are on JIRA Server now and using exsiting JIRA server's Atlassian plugin software developer kit (SDK), which can create apps to e...
Hi, Can anyone help on how to create a new ticket / issue on Jira using PHP? Thanks, Jassim
...elated to a proper Bitbucket installation, not for developing using the SDK. Is there perhaps a guide that describes how to configure my development environment and Bitbucket before I must run `atlas-r...
Hi, As highlighted in the attached screenshot, I want to add a custom button in Users and Role section of all the existing projects in my Jira instance UI in between "Add users to a role" and "Users...
...ipeline (bamboo). We can build the plugin via bamboo build plan alright, but we are facing an issue when trying to deploy it. atlas-sdk's "atlas-install-plugin" does not work for us (afaik) because we are n...
Hi Experts, Is there any easy way to re use Assignee, Description, Components and Fix Version/s fields on custom dialog screen ( triggered via SDK Web Action ). Is there any renders or AUI java s...
I am trying to test a plugin in the SDK using atlas-run. However it will not load because the GIT I point to is apparently not safe: [INFO] 2022-08-08 15:04:56,897 WARN [spring-startup] c.a.s.i.s.g...
My CODE: RESPONSE: RROR { message: 'Key format is not valid!', took: 0, requestId: '51e40857-f2d9-4c32-a1c6-6ff9d96d935...
...llustration style that is still used by Trello today. Adam was a Senior Software Engineer on the Trello team where he: maintained the Power-Ups API and SDK, built the Trello Power-Ups d...
Hi Trello friends! 👋 I started the Tiny Power-Ups Club as a little side project in July of last year and it's grown at a modest rate over the last few months. The idea behind this project was...
Hello everyone, So I'm trying to add a local image, in src/main/resources/images/piechart.png to my vm file. In my atlassian-plugin.xml, I've added it as a resource. <web-resource...
Hello everyone, I have trouble to use the Atlassian SDK with mine Jira plugin to download an attachment through a postfunction in the workflow. The attachment should be downloaded d...
When I use the below statement using Atlassian .NET SDK, I am getting: Error customfield_10114 to Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject. Property with the same name already exists on object i...
Hi, I'm trying to implement a group picker in my plugin. I'm using this endpoint for cloud
Hi, I am trying to install the Atlassian SDK to build plugins, however I do not have permissions to run .exe files, is there any alternative installation like how mac/linux can use h...
...bsp; I have my rest api formed which i tested in postman and giving the required results. I also tried to insall the Atlassian SDK within my visual studio project but need pointers on h...
My system is windows 64. I have downloaded sdk-installer-8.2.6.exe from But when I d...
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