Hello everyone, I have a 'Text Field (multi-line)' field and I want to change from the default text renderer to wiki style renderer. From other posts in the atlassian community and support, I've f...
With this Confluence Datacenter add-on, your users will see a new Macro to render remote Markdown files in Confluence pages! Marked is very easy to use! I promise! Put the M...
Can i create a custom-filed like description field ,which support users to insert a picture, video, links etc?
...tring TYPE = "my-wiki-renderer"; @Inject public MyWikiRenderer( // @JiraImport EventPublisher eventPlublisher, @JiraImport ApplicationProperties applicationProperties, @JiraImport V...
We recently noticed that the announcement banner loses formatting when displaying on dashboards. Specifically the <h#> text formatting tags don't render properly. If I remove the heading...
Hi! I've encountered the following bug: When using the field type "Smart Multi-Row" with the rendering type "FormView (Registrations Control)" every entry in each subsequent row after the first row...
...he jira projects. 03. Below case suggesting to use the "Wiki Style Renderer" for the respective fields. https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Service-Management/Toolbar-is-missing-in-comment-s...
I configured a custom field as a paragraph and set the renderer to a WIKI renderer. After configuring the field it is appearing on the story page, but it appears as a normal text field:
I'm trying to attach autocomplete renderer to multiselect customfield. It might look like labels renderer (but with no possibility to add new option to list of options from renderer directly) or l...
...ike an electric heater. When I check the activity monitor it is seems like reason is the trello renderer. Even it works on background and I was doing nothing with it.
Hey Jira Community, I have a custom multiline text field that I have enabled the Wiki Renderer for. I've gone back to the workflow to test it out and the field still renders as simple text. Any h...
When I moved my board to another board, JIRA didn't move the custom field "Acceptance criteria" but it listed it as a comment on the "history" tab. Now I need to convert the comment text format to a...
Hello all, I encounter an issue when using a Custom fields with Wiki Style Renderer. I have a custom field "Last comment" define with the following SIL Script : string[] l...
Gadgets are not rendering and when i inspected the page and looked at console log : Mixed Content: The page at '<URL>' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure script '<URL>'. Th...
For example consider a field description for which we can change type of field using renderers. That is we can keep description field to be of text or html or wiki format. I wanted to know i...
The renderedFields for a wiki property (like description) have html that references a css class which is not included in the value. For example, a simple table in Jira will result in html: <...
...rivate TemplateRenderer renderer; public ConfigurationServlet(TemplateRenderer templateRenderer, ApplicationProperties applicationProperties) { this.renderer = templateRenderer; t...
Dear community, i would like to ask you for your help because i dont know how to solve my problem any further. We are hosting a confluence via docker with the lates images (currently 7.2.0) . Someh...
Hi, I am deep into Java API documentation fro Jira 8.1.0. trying to change denderer of custom field programatically from default renderer to Wiki Style Renderer, but with no success how to find it....
....TemplateRenderer"/> <!-- templateRenderer velocity-renderer--> <web-panel name="ArchivingIndicator" i18n-name-key="archiving-indicator.name" key="archiving-indicator" location="atl.jira.view.issue...
Our helpdesk system pulls up tickets with a url in the form of helpdesk/page.asp?id=00000, so I'd like Jira to render text in the form of {prefix}{id} (e.g., HD#00000) as a clickable link to the appr...
...nto the multi-select list. I created a custom field type of multi-select and went to the field configuration but can't find anywhere where i can click renderers under that. Can someone p...
Hi, I am following these instructions from Atlassian documentation to set a custom field with an autocomplete renderer: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirakb/how-to-enable-autocomplete-renderer-f...
I have a problem with [Wiki Style Renderer] for the field 'Comment'. There is improper rendering of things like {code}...{code} and {noformat}...{noformat} and 'HTML' when I add a comment to a...
Hi everyone, I've set up several custom fields with the wiki style render selected in the field configuration. However, while the renderer is visible on the create issue screen (I...
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