Hello, I had set the default priority to medium in priority scheme, some how it got changed to Low, is there any way to check in audit logs who changed it ? Or by any chance the default pri...
Our Priority Scheme default got changed somehow to Critical, is this related to a Jira release? Yeah, the weirdest thing. I thought I was going crazy. I went through my Automation and rules and spen...
Hi everyone, We’re working on bringing the ability to set different priorities for different projects in Jira Cloud. While we’re building this, we want to hear more about how you use priority order...
I have Atlassian Cloud and I am looking for the Priority Schemes that used to be in the Issues settings under Priorities. However with the new version I cannot seem to find this. Can someone help? We...
JIRA Server: 8.4.2 Adaptavist ScriptRunner for JIRA: I have been tasked with reviewing scripts before we upgade to JIRA Server 8.7.1. I have found several scripts tha...
Hello, We've been using Jira for quite some time now and have over ten thousand Issues. However, we now want to change/rename our Priority Schema values for various Projects. In a test envir...
Created a priority scheme Associated it to the project How can the service desk user change the priority on an issue? we need the service desk user to change the priority from the defa...
I have created new priorities for our Development team that we only want to be associated with Tasks. On Jira Cloud how do I associate the task issue type with a limited set of priorities?
Hi everyone, We are using JIRA server 7.8. Does anymore knows the icons' properties? Like size, type (jpg, png, etc.), transparency, etc. I tried to load some (png) and this is not working. Thank...
I'm trying to create differents priority cateogries for differents project, and I saw in the community that Jira has an option to create Priority Scheme and assign them to an specific project, but I ...
I recently upgraded my test JIRA instance from version 7.2.8 to 7.6.4 . When I tried to access Priority Schemes from "gg" shortcut menu, it did not suggest Priority Schemes. Later I learned th...
Is it possible to create a new Priority without having it added to the Default Priority Scheme? All of our projects currently use the Default Priority Scheme; 1 project wants to add a value so I...
Hey guys, It has come to my attention that you can create custom priority schemes for your Jira Service Desk projects, but at the same time you cannot associate these custom priority schemes t...
I've read on https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver/associating-priorities-with-projects-939514001.html that Service Desk doesn't support priority schemes. This leads me to believe tha...
I was just wondering if there is some sort way to create schemes for issue priorities? If we decided to customize our own priority list to match our business process with additional items like "Hig...
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